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Comment Re:Sick leaves (Score 1) 670

Some doctors can do phone appointments, that'd work from home.

Plumbers?....... aren't those the guys who fix my internet pipes right?

Sales people, depending on the type of sales, may work from home too. (Sales assistants on the other hand - shop workers... well yeah - and guess who comes into contact with the dirty general public the most?!)

Comment Re:Use different passwords for different things (Score 1) 330

I had a thought about this while reading all these insightful security posts. Make things too complicated, and they don't work either as people will knowingly choose to be non-compliant.

It really doesn't matter about your "password" habbits assuming > avg length / complexity.

What does matter is end system security. What's more dangerous... someone has the password to my bank account, or an unauthorized user transfers funds from that account.

Passwords shouldn't be the Only door into a system. Which, despite my hate for the overal company, Chase does pretty well. Unrecognized computer? no login for you until you get a text or call, and input the codes.

Either way, if you are a spearphished target, there's little you can do but freeze your assets until the attacker get's bored and moves on.

Comment I block scripts.... (Score 1) 295

but not ad's.

They really don't bother me as long as they aren't all flashing in my face style.

Have people really become so useless at ignoring shiny flashing things that they MUST look at the adverts, and then click them?... If a site so is bad the adverts are offputting I stop using it.

On slashdot I rarely see ad's as they let me turn them off :D

Comment Yet another "Me Too" (Score 1) 242

Velcor straps, as used for RC planes & cable management are the way to go. They are awesome in so many ways. For instance, If you want to add a new cable, you can either velcro it to the existing strand for cabeling speed, or simply undo each strap, add the cable and re-close it which isn't much slower. Cabeling is SO easy now! Just don't use too many of them or you may find them obnoxious, I used about 1 strap every 2ft.

My gaming PC has 7.1 surround sound (an old logitech 5.1 plus a stereo kit for the sides...) so I have a 8 individual cables right there...Tons of cables, pluse USB gear (HDD docks, Cell and Mouse charger, etc..)

Velcro / velcro like cabling straps are the simplest most amazing thing I've ever used, really tidy's things up, keeps it looking "Wife approved"

I also second using the shortest cord necessary, but keeping it long enough that you're running w/ the lines of your desk, etc. (nothing worse than a diagnal round of multiple cords shooting across space in a \ line to the power strip). Also, when bundled together, the cords can become quite stiff.

This reminds me, I need to get more of this stuff, I'm down to just a couple unused straps left :)

I think labeling the power cords is a good idea if you have the time, but it's a little overkill in my opinion. I' don't think I've messed w/ power in a LONG time, and I work w/ a popular LAN gaming community so I'm constantly moving my machine. I just have spares, in my kit, so I don't unplug them.

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