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Comment Re:Moving the goalposts (Score 1) 460

Okay, the fact that this isn't even an argument that is cohesive makes it kinda hard to deconstruct.

I'll address the only clear point you managed to make though.

It's not wrong to call the recurring clearly arbitrary dismissal of female concerns "sexist". That's what's motivating it.

Comment Re:Is there a single field that doesn't? (Score 0) 460

I've never accused anyone of being a misogynists for disagreeing with me, and since you've clearly gone over my posts recently, I can tell you have no evidence of it.

You're strawmanning again.

And I don't give a fuck if you think I'm being "morally superior" to people whose behaviors are outright reprehensible. Take you self-righteousness about self-righteousness and shove it up your ass, you hypocritical douchebag.

Comment Re:Is there a single field that doesn't? (Score 1) 460

"Horrible shit" being denialism over the level of sexual assault in the scientific field, and implicitly by suggesting that this completely spurious dismissal is somehow not completely fucking insane by the nature of your argument.

Now you can argue your statements are somehow completely divorced from the discussion's context. You can do that till the cow comes home and I won't be able to prove it, but I don't think you've remotely earned that level of good faith.

Comment Re:why does the CRTC need this list? (Score 3, Interesting) 324

Netflix plays what their subscribers want to see

Then why do they have so many reality TV shows? Ugh.

No, but really, the set of inputs to what Netflix has is quite complicated. They love things with cheap per showing licenses, like off-the-air TV shows, unpopular movies, documentaries where the producers are more interested in pushing a message than making a profit, and a smattering of more popular "draw" shows/movies to bring in the popular audience.

And then there's the loss-leader shows trying to get people to start watching the series as it comes out, either on pay services or with commercials.

And then there's the various "taste profiles" of the people who are netflix subscribers, and what's both cheap and good within that frame.

There's some pitiable accountants in the company who's responsible for balancing all those factors, while making a profit.

Reducing all that to "giving the people what they want" is a little unpragmatic.

Comment Re:Is there a single field that doesn't? (Score -1) 460

The fuck is wrong with you? People are allowed to have stupid opinions. That's not the same as allowing sexual assault, in any way shape or form.

Are you brain dead? There has to be a little life in your mind that sees actual harm as separate and distinct from dumb opinions. Right?

People thinking stupid things is not "an issue". Holy christ are you dense as fuck.

Comment Re:Is there a single field that doesn't? (Score 1, Troll) 460

You're right; feminists don't in general, push for only that, because legalistic bias isn't the only kind that's harming people. You can see object evidence of how systemic bias hurts women Or objective evidence that certain kinds of cultural media measurably cause those biases. Standing against that, in spite of having nothing to do with the law, is morally justified, and even necessary.

But I'm sure you meant that what they we want is some kinda imagined matriarchy, where special rights are reserved for one half the population. Which is dumb. And while people with all sorts of self-labels say all sorts of dumb things, it is not a suggestion made by anywhere near a large percentage of feminists.

Comment Re:why does the CRTC need this list? (Score 5, Informative) 324

To clarify, in this case they claim that netflix doesn't do enough to encourage the production and consumption of Canadian entertainment, a requirement they place on other distributors.

So they're, in theory, doing exactly what you say, just in less harsh terms. They want to ensure the continued interest of Canadian producers, and not American.

And they're using arbitrary leverage like demanding subscriber lists to push netflix to obey. It's not neat or nice. But they're kinda being upfront that it's just leverage not genuine interest in the records.

Comment Re:Moving the goalposts (Score 1) 460

And so you use that strawman, in response to me saying people like you strawman, and you cite no evidence it's real.

Good fucking job.

You can impugn my character all you want. Calling out people who are perpetuating lies on the internet is seen as perfectly reasonable in other discussions, but so you random ACs will bring the wrath of god if you ever dare to call misogynistic shitfucks on it.

Comment Re:Is there a single field that doesn't? (Score 0, Flamebait) 460

It's flamebait to imply anything other than feminism is evil and actively attacking poor helpless men. Sorry you didn't know that. It antagonizes the misogynists.

I don't get why they're so sensitive about it, but just a puff of genuine concern for gender equality(and the rather large body of evidence surrounding it) is seen as an attack.

I don't actually understand the motivations of the mods, but I've come to expect that hypersensitive behavior, regardless of my own understanding. Actual thought out replies to the concerns are missing for me to fill in the gaps.

Comment Re:Is there a single field that doesn't? (Score 0, Troll) 460

"There was some feminazi that went on a tear"

"It was all a load of mindless victimology."

Oh yeah, you sound totally informed about whatever thing you're talking about. Not like you're talking out your ass at all. Yep, just some feminazi. No particular person, that'd make you accountable for your claim.

What really gets me is how slashdot eats up shit like this, and only when it comes to feminism.

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