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Way up?


Well yes as you parrots keep parroting, only outlaws have guns here, well not here, in melbourne but whatever.

But it wouldn't really matter if I was in melbourne, carrying a concealed weapon.
One, they just keep taking out rival criminals... yawn who cares.
Two they are actively harrassed by the cops constantly, think Al Capone, they'll get 'em sooner or later.
Three my pop-pop- pistol ain't worth pulling out against a streetsweeper shottie.

Even in the insane US, no one is carrying firepower to deal with a heavily armed gang except gun shows and SWAT

Comment Re:That is a stupid sentence (Score 2) 528

If the soldiers you know wouldn't fire on the American people, you don't need a gun. If they would you need to use the guns you have NOW.
if the founders of USA were here today, they wouldn't be looking in pride at the success of their second ammendment.
They would be instead saying, "who the fuck gave these niggers and scum weapons?"

Comment Re:About time (Score 1) 297

wtf is right turn on red?
that would explain the two assholes, one after another doing "left turn on red" the other day, one after another. btw this is australia, not the rules here.

everyone in the whole intersection had a wtf moment.

don't drive overseas if you don't know the rules, coz you'll get cleaned up, and here, those cunts would have gone to jail if they had caused an accident.

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