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Comment That slippery slope (Score 1) 903

Repost? Stupid mobile site... In this case, the law was blocks because going through the process of opting out of contraceptive coverage for a group of nuns was against their religion. The nuns essentially claimed they could not comply with the government's view of due process. This due process seems well within recognized limits to the church-state separation. I doubt it will be upheld. If the argument is that your religion compels you to not do paperwork, you're probably being ridiculous. And all these Sebilius cases represent a pretty terribad slippery slope. The next logical exception for religious institutions could be for their health coverage to not cover pregnant single mothers, because the church views pregnant single mothers as amoral. The whole thing sounds like a heap of administrative weight that will just drive health costs up for everyone. Individual members of a church pay sales tax, which can be theoretically funneled into state contraceptive programs. Religious institutions that pay taxes may have their taxes put to similar use. Since SCOTUS has already decided the Individual Mandate is a tax, the compulsory terms of health insurance should/could be regarded in the same way. If this is allowed to stand, as a cultural Christian with a fierce hatred of the way health insurance was administered prior to the ACA (and who is currently not impressed with the progress of implementing the ACA), I hope that there is an opt-out fee that is equal to or greater than the fee for contraceptive coverage.

Comment Hey asshole. (Score 1) 509

Our job is to tell you what you can't do. Your job is to be effective despite this. If you don't have the imagination to do your job without meticulously raping the document you swore to uphold, maybe it's time to let someone else have the chance to do things right. Also, feel free to take a swan dive off a building. Regards, The American People, CC: the rest of the world.

Comment Mjolnir... (Score 2) 233

There's a scene at the end where everyone blinks into existence, and then Mjolnir zooms by and Dennings chirps out "Mjolnir!" like she was talking to Scooby Doo or some other cartoon mascot. Low point of the film. I wish they had explained the change in Mjolnir's behavior, too. In Avengers, it blasts through multiple levels of helicarrier to get into Thor's hand just in time for him to knock the shit out of the Hulk. Here it's going around corners and shit, fast enough to be effective, slow enough so Dennings can make it into a cartoon mascot.

Comment Speaking from experience... (Score 1) 74

...most of this is survivalist escapist fantasy garbage. Poorly written, poorly-defined characters. I suspect there's a therapy group for returning vets where the therapy goals are to write a zombie book and self-publish it. Never ever buy any book without a recommendation from someone you think you can actually trust. That means a recommendation outside the Amazon system.

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