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Comment If this isn't proof that the system is broken... (Score 1) 1128

... then I don't know what is. This is as close to election rigging as you can get without actually stuffing the ballot box.

Fortunately, the delegates to the convention are not (always) required to vote for the candidate who garners the most votes in their primaries. They don't have to take the candidates that the other party foists upon them. They can use their own judgment, and hopefully they will.

Comment Depends on which version of BASIC (Score 1) 709

The answer to "Why teach programming with BASIC?" depends on which language called BASIC you mean, and the answers vary from "You don't know better" to "You want to teach them how to write quick one-off VBA macros, not to program" to "You passionately hate your students."

Assuming that you want to teach them to program, use a language that incorporates some modern language features and gives them room to grow, but has enough in terms of training wheels that they aren't distracted or frustrated by unnecessary trivia. Python, Ruby, maybe C#.

Comment Re:Somewhat pointless, without a tablet UI (Score 1) 169

And here some up to date screenshots

This is a good example, I guess, of how two people can look at the same thing and see two different things.

Consider this screen from that page:

I can hardly read the icon text on my full-sized notebook at full resolution; the default font is unusable, and the white-on-beige color scheme just makes it worse. The toolbar icons are too small for me to reliably press just one, and my fingers, although pudgy, are not unusually so.

Comment Re:Uh... (Score 2) 535

""In the beginning, the language of the World Wide Web was English.

Times change though, and the United States' military's gift to civilization"

The WWW was not US's military gift to civilisation. The internet =/= WWW. The author appears to use them interchangeably..

Yes, that's true. The internet >> WWW.

And, on behalf of the US military, you're welcome.

Comment Well, they were busy (Score 1) 229

It's not like Congress hasn't been busy recently, and presumably NASA and its subcontractors aren't just taking the money and throwing it in a shredder. It takes time and money to properly mothball a project of that size, and in the meanwhile maybe they can make a little progress toward their goals.

Comment 300 pages? (Score 1) 74

Three hundred pages to cover a "hello world" app and not "take the reader much further?"

Good lord, there must be a better programming platform for android than this. For comparison, the entirety of K&R is only 274 pages!

Comment On the other hand... (Score 4, Interesting) 101

While "delete your apps periodically and re-add them as needed" is probably very good advice most of the time, are there any cases where apps are getting worse with respect to privacy, and so having a newer version of an app is worse than having the older version?

It seems likely that someone out there, having gotten a whiff of the money that might be made, is actually getting worse about this...

Comment Re:1.2 million euro (Score 1) 452

Balderdash. Try reading Beowulf in the original. If you don't understand it perfectly, is that because you're lazy and stupid or because the English language has changed?

Maybe it's because I haven't taken the time to learn West Saxon, the language in which Beowulf was written?

Also, I might be lazy and stupid. I'll concede that point, if you'll concede that your metaphor is balderdash.

Comment Re:Without specifics, I think we should be wary... (Score 1) 452

Your logic reported you to the UN for torturing it. Besides, if you really think soliders aren't capable of, and encouraged to, think of shooting someone in a warzone as an almost orgasmic experience, you really need to talk to a few more soldiers.

I don't believe that you've ever been in the same room as a soldier who wasn't made of molded plastic in your life.

Comment Irrelevant statistic... (Score 5, Insightful) 206

It doesn't matter how many modules there are. It matters how many solid, well-documented modules there are that will continue to get updates and support.

I have no opinion over how much goodness there is in CPAN versus RubyGems; maybe RubyGems is really pulling ahead. But out of nearly nineteen thousand modules, how many really matter? (and how many are just another XML library that's just slightly different and incompatible with the bajillion other XML libraries already out there?)


Survey Shows That Fox News Makes You Less Informed Screenshot-sm 1352

A survey of American voters by World Public Opinion shows that Fox News viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources. One of the most interesting questions was about President Obama's birthplace. 63 percent of Fox viewers believe Obama was not born in the US (or that it is unclear). In 2003 a similar study about the Iraq war showed that Fox viewers were once again less knowledgeable on the subject than average. Let the flame war begin!

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