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Comment Re:Looks promising (Score 1) 26

Are you sure that isn't what they were considering in the article summery "At first their legs only moved involuntarily, if at all. But they soon found they could voluntarily extend the distance their legs moved during stimulation."

I guess when the device is first connected, there is random movement. The patient then quickly builds the ability to control and extends this movement. But I'm under the understanding it is due to the process not the patients themselves.

Comment Re:The missing part of this story's coverage (Score 2) 528

I find the interesting part to be the telemetry data is all that is being released. Most of the drones like the one in question that I am aware of record the entire flight as well as transmit it back for live viewing. Why is there non of this footage over this guys house available?

I mean the easiest way to refute the claim that the drone was hovering over his house and peeping and all that would be to release the flight video itself and show that for a fact it did not do any of these things. The only thing I can think of for not releasing it is that maybe it doesn't show what they want it to show.

Comment Re:Nope... (Score 1, Insightful) 528

I can tell you are no lefty even though you might think you are. One of the key debating points of a lefty is how they derail the conversation from the critical points and into BS like you height and weight in order to avoid the process of actually having to think and put a position out filled with reason and logic instead of emotion. You fell for it and here you are being part of it. Maybe the fact that you admit to owning a gun and not being afraid to publicly acknowledge you will use it is a sign of your mental disorder or something.

Oh, and no, I'm not saying he isn't a lefty, we have had many conversations in which I know for a fact that he at least thinks he is a lefty. He just doesn't fit the stereotype and fell for one of their own tricks and spent too much energy on every unrelated ancillary detail while his point suffers.

Comment Re:Interesting argument (Score 1) 124

FCC Classifies DSL as Information Service [fcc.gov]

That doesn't say what you seem to think it says. All that shows is the formalizing of the ways they already had been treating cable internet. This was largely due to lawsuits and their response to them. There was absolutely no switch in policy which is why there was absolutely no need to release the newly adopted paper- there was no change in policy or procedure- just a formalizing of it.

Stop looking only far enough back in time that you think you found something. Go back further with the computers and computers II paper and the interim report to congress in 98. You will see this clearly was no policy change.

In what respect do you believe is cable service different from DSL in this context? And while I do disagree with you in this assertion, I have a somewhat awkward assurance of your error that Kevin Martin also disagrees with you as can be seen in the link I supplied above.

This is like asking in what respect is a car different from a road when all you are thinking about is traveling. I'm not sure if I posses the patience or articulation to explain these difference clearly enough that you would grasp it. First, cable service is difference from DSL service because one delivers cable TV channels while the other is a technology primarily for delivering data or internet access over a system for communications. The question you need to ask is in what way is cable service different from POTS service. The answer to this gives the answer you seem to be missing. You see, telephone service is regulated differently than cable service and always has been. Telephone service even has it's delivery system regulated where cable service hasn't. With cable service, the regulations have largely been limited to content restrictions and timing of content, equal access for conflicting views, emergency signals, and rates to some degree. This difference is because cable service has never been considered a telecommunications service where POTS has always been considered one and the law requires different regulations for them.

Yes, that entire common carriage thing was such a nuisance what with those regulated utilities having to open up their networks to allow for competition. And we can all see exactly how well this decision has worked our given that most of us here in the US pay more for crappy service than most of the rest of the developed world. And while we're resting on our laurels, let's not forget Comcast, who has achieved the distinction of being recognized as having the worst customer service out of any corporation in our country.

Maybe you should grab a tissue and wait a minute before reading this. We both see there is a problem, I'm saying that we do not need to cut the baby in half in order to figure out the answer and you are saying the baby should never have been born so lets kill it already. I think you approach is wrong and historically has never worked. Breaking up the bells largely got us into this situation you just cried about and we need to not only be smarter about it this time, but we need actual laws passed instead of unconstitutional edicts by unelected persons who likely will lose in court when the issue is pushed because of the entire history of the FCC countering their current position.

Yes, seriously, read the evidence and citation lists in their court filing, it's pretty extensive and relies on the FCC itself quite a bit in their claim that they cannot be classified as title II by law.

Given that the internet, as we think of it today, hasn't been around for 47 years, what are you talking about? In fact, it was the common carriage rules which made it possible for all of those independent ISPs to exists.

lol.. Do you think the FCC started only caring about data crossing over communications lines when the internet as we know it today was realized? They have been discussing computer data and what to do or how to treat it since 1968 that I know of. Possibly even earlier. The computers (also known as computers I) working paper was released in that time frame but also included reference to other works done as far back as 68 in order to differentiate between computer data and telecommunications. Like I have been telling you all along, this goes back a lot further than 2002 or most likely even before you were born.

On another note, how is it that you can make all these assertions without knowing who Kevin Martin was, what his leadership over the FCC did and what effect it had over this entire process?

It's quite simple. His contributions to the process is not nearly as significant as you think it is. He did absolutely nothing that wasn't already policy in place- just formalized it. It's like you think Thaddeus Stevens crafted the suspension of habeas corpus in the civil war instead of Lincoln and his generals. You found a name, found an action, and somehow seem to be contempt to stop there instead of knowing the entire story. Nothing had changed after Kevin Martin that was already in place before in regards to this.

You will not find any FCC policy, ruling, decision, or otherwise that shows it was different before Martin. In fact, I already pointed you to 3 different sources, the computers I, computers II working papers, and the interim report to congress on universal access in 98 that specifically show the FCC treating the internet as other than telecommunications. In fact, those three papers specifically show the progression of it being originally distinguished as enhanced services, to information services, and one even talks about the congress using the previous papers as specific reference in compiling law specifically to exclude the internet from telecommunications regulation.

You should try looking at the cites and evidence provided in the filings for the lawsuit. It will fill you in on a lot that you seem to be missing. In fact, I found stuff that previously escaped me. There is a very strong case against the FCC here and it is compiled largely from official FCC documents and actions.

Comment Re:How is this even possible? (Score 2) 60

I think it has something to do with the online records requirements of the ACA. If you live in Chicago and have an accident while vacationing in Florida, the doctors in Florida are supposed to be able to access your medical records from Chicago without much effort in order to treat you more effectively and timely. Encrypting it would somewhat end that and somehow this is all supposed to be controlled by the IRS who will share information with about 200 or more other government agencies between the state, local, and federal levels.

Comment Re:Interesting argument (Score 1) 124

Yes, and it was Kevin Martin who classified Cable service as an information service to relieve them from having to open up their networks to all competitors as the telephone companies had been reluctantly doing.

I need a cite for this.
BTW, you do realize the cable service is not the same as internet service right? So if you do understand this, I'm not sure we are in disagreement. If not, there is our problem.

I think you've got it backwards. This is infrastructure, critical infrastructure, and it needs to be regulated.

Not really. There could be a number of things that could change this for the better without regulating it. I would even suggest it isn't critical infrastructure too. Without it, all that would happen is a little inconvenience and a few companies would have to limit who they sell to or find another way to reach people.

in fact, it was regulated until an unelected official unilaterally enacted the changes this FCC Chair is trying to reverse. Truth be told, this was a horrific decision and screwed all of us. Now the question of why this isn't a case where we just "come into anything you own and make it for the better without your permission" is because all of these companies use publicly owned properties (rights of ways) to deliver these services.

No it was not_ever_ regulated. The FCC position on the internet was never a title II position and they even segregated it from information services. Provide a cite for this. The best you can find is where the Portland case said it was and the FCC attempted to take comments for rule making but failed to accomplish anything before a higher court overturned the ruling.

Except that the law is already in place and the FCC has been challenged before as to whether it did have the power to make these decision. That power was upheld by the Supreme Court on more than one occasion.

lol.. When there is 40 some years of the FCC itself saying it does not have regulatory powers, even after the last law passed by congress is on the books, you will find problems with any court upholding this power. You see, there are FCC documents that they specifically say congress never intended them to regulate the internet. One of these is the 1998 report to congress on the access thing. A good portion of evidence cited in the filing is pulled from FCC case laws, FCC reports, and FCC declarations made to congress. The FCC has basically ignored 47 years of precedence in order to enact some political agenda. Read the filing. It lists all it's supporting evidence near the beginning. It is huge.

Comment Re:The issue is not title 2 (Score 1) 124

A lot of the carriers have been doing the same. They did it with that money they collect from your phone bills designated to connect poor and rural areas. Instead of running land lines, they can build out towers for their cellular networks and claim compliance thereby getting their share of the cash.

Comment Re:Interesting argument (Score 1) 124

Face it. They are telecommunications service providers. The jig is up they've been called on it. Congress delegated the authority to the FCC to make the call and even if it didn't and we call back on what congress decided, Congress decided 20 years ago that they were telecommunications service providers which is why they were up until the year 2002.

Who is telling you these lies?

Seriously, who is lieing to you about this 2002 crap? You are not the first person to bring it up, you are not the first person who has failed to investigate it, you are also not the first person to be completely wrong about this. The FCC has never taken the position that the internet was anything other than an enhanced service or information service. Before the 1996 telecommunications act, it was commonly referred to as enhanced services and distinguished from telecommunications since 1968 with the original computers paper published by the FCC. The entire terminology "information services" comes from the computers II paper and congress' attempt to codify it into law. Several FCC papers including reports to congress (during Clinton's administration) distinguish the internet as separate from telecommunications services.

Please look into it yourself. Whoever told you that everything all the sudden changed in 2002, told you a lie. What had happened was a court case ruled the internet provisions of a cable company were title II and it was overturned in 2002. The FCC did not change any position at all, they just had the opportunity to ignore a court ruling in the Portland case.

Comment Re:Interesting argument (Score 1, Informative) 124

The same as they were after computer I and computers II and the interim reports to congress in 1996, 97, and 98.

The FCC has never taken the position that the internet was ever anything other than an information service. This is prominent and clear starting as early as 1968. The only thing that happened to differ was the Portland cable case temporarily said cable internet was title II but it was overturned on appeals in 2002. The FCC did not let anyone do anything other than what they maintained for the 34 years previous.

Believe it or not, the history on this goes back a lot further than 2002 or whenever you were born. Before 1996, the term used was enhanced services and the telecommunications act of 96 turned it into information services but it modeled it directly of the definition in the FCC paper computers II.

Comment Re:Interesting argument (Score 1) 124

As memory serves, it was Kevin Martin who created the informational service distinction in as far as the current internet is concerned. I believe he did so thinkng that this would allow free enterprise the opportunity to build out our networks to which I would point out has been only partly successful.

I cannot find any reference to Kevin Martin outside of some basketball player for some team I frankly have never heard of before. I couldn't say if you are right or wrong about the creation of the term itself. I can however tell you that the terminology was placed in the telecommunications law (1996) to model after the computers II paper published by the FCC. Before that, it was largely refereed to as enhanced services. I don't know if that is connected or not.

At the same time, to suggest that the Internet isn't rapidly taking over telecommunication is patently absurd. Next year, the POTS network will likely be scrapped and we have seen times when portions of our telecommunications network has been taken down due to weather incidents leaving people without the ability to call for help when they needed to.

Here is the problem. Telecommunications and information services are legally defined. It is the type of communications not how it is delivered, transported, or imagined. You could have a line of people holding hands who twitched a finger in serious that relayed communications from one end of the state to the other in real time. That could make that communications service a communications service but it wouldn't make the infrastructural (1 million people holding hands) automatically under regulations of the FCC. Part of the law
(pre title II change) was with what type of assurances and reliability communication services would be transported on. In that scenario, one person pausing for a bathroom break breaks the entire ordeal.

More to the point, we have seen what was once considered to be the gold standard in the world for telecommunications become an embarrassment where one of our larger carriers actually ran advertisements asking "Can you hear me know?" Is this the communications network you believe our country should have?

Lol.. You mean for a cell network? Of course I think it should be better. I travel a lot and am dropping calls all the time or having to ask people to repeat themselves because it sound like they stuck their head in a barrel every 5 words. But hey, should I be allowed to just come into anything you own and make it for the better without your permission or any specific act or law created by your elected officials?

Where we disagree (apparently) is that I believe the Internet is an infrastructure built for the common good and not as a cash delivery system for commerce.

No, we do not disagree with this.

And while I have no issues with people using the net for business (I do so myself) the idea that corporations should have the ability to do whatever their profit margins tell them to do with our net is past absurd as far as I'm concerned.

And we are not in disagreement here either. I guess if there is any disagreement, it would be in how to correct the situation. First, I think an actual law should be passed instead of unelected appointed officials reversing over 47 years of precedence (the first FCC reference that I know of about computer communications being an enhanced service and not telecommunications is circa 1968) and pushing their own agenda.

I do not have any problems with the goals involved, just the process in which they were implemented. It's like giving a murdering bank robber a pass because he donated all the money he stole in a bank robbery, where 5 customers suffocated after being locked in the vault all weekend, to charity looking for cures of childhood cancer. Well, no- it is not like that at all. But in the same, doing something wrong for the right reasons does not make that wrong right. At best it only makes it acceptable. Someone shoplifting to feed their family is acceptable to me. someone shoplifting because they are poor is not. Inventing new laws with absolutely no congressional oversight is not either if you ask me.

Comment Re:more interesting when the FCC said the same thi (Score 2) 124

The Portland case doesn't really say that. It basically says that information services use telecommunication services to develop and deliver the information services. It in essence says cable companies were telecommunication companies when they offer telecommunications services carrying information services over their infrastructure.


The news brief you linked to was about the FCC using this to develop and roll out broadband because it now has authority that can restrict or override local franchising boards.

I don't think it is a matter of being able to switch between the two rather that the lines between the two are getting blurred. For instance, you use a telecommunications service to transmit an information service but when it is IP telephony (like Vonage), you are transmitting a telecommunications service over a telecommunications service as if it was an information service.

Comment Re:Interesting argument (Score 1) 124

Information service is defined by law separate from what you are describing as an information service. It is as apposed to the legal definition of a telecommunications service. When speaking of such in pertaining to the FCC actions, we need to consider the legal definition and not the common one.

Comment Re:Interesting argument (Score 1) 124

No they did not. The internet was never Title II except for the attempt now and a brief lived stent coming from a ruling in the Portland cable case in which was overturned about a year later on appeals.

The FCC and congress behind them have repeatedly took the position that the internet and computer communications were information services and the variants signifying the same leading up to that terminology being created in the mid 1990s. There is a long and complete record of the FCC treating computer communications separate from telecommunications from about 1968 and on up until the Portland case (which the FCC argued against) and this FCC trying to change everything.

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