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Hardware Hacking

Journal Journal: Homeland security worried about hacker attacks on power grid

Once again, the government is worried about hackers attacking America's power grid. This time, homeland security made a video of what happens if you hack the controls of a turbine using a programming flaw, making it overload and break apart. "It's so graphic. Talking about bits and bytes doesn't have the same impact as seeing something catch fire." Dick Cheney is also said to have seen the video. "Is this something we should be concerned about? Yes," said a Homeland Security official.
Networking (Apple)

Journal Journal: AT&T ramps up EDGE for iPhone

Electronista and Gizmodo are reporting on AT&T's Operation Fine Edge, where they are increasing EDGE coverage and speeds on their network and lowering latency, in preparation for the rollout of the iPhone by the end of the month. Gizmodo reports it's not the protocol, but the bandwidth of the towers that is the issue. According to an internal AT&T document, they're dropping in more T-1s in their poorest performing towers, hoping to increase the minimum from 40kbps to 80kpbs. (EDGE's real world max is about 200kbps.)


Journal Journal: Moderation

Latest comment moderations: Comment Moderation
sent by Slashdot Message System on Tuesday January 11, @07:05PM

Sweet! , posted to IBM Opens Their Patent Portfolio to Open Source , has been moderated Insightful (+1).

It is currently scored Insightful (2).

Sweet! , posted to IBM Opens Their Patent Portfolio to Open Source , has been moderated Interesting (+1).

It is currently scored Interesting (3).

Sweet! , posted to IBM Opens Their Patent Portfolio to Open Source , has been moderated Interesting (+1).

It is currently scored Interesting (4).

Sweet! , posted to IBM Opens Their Patent Portfolio to Open Source , has been moderated Interesting (+1).

It is currently scored Interesting (5).

Sweet! , posted to IBM Opens Their Patent Portfolio to Open Source , has been moderated Flamebait (-1).

It is currently scored Interesting (4).

Sweet! , posted to IBM Opens Their Patent Portfolio to Open Source , has been moderated Insightful (+1).

It is currently scored Interesting (5).

Sweet! , posted to IBM Opens Their Patent Portfolio to Open Source , has been moderated Overrated (-1).

It is currently scored Interesting (4).

Sweet! , posted to IBM Opens Their Patent Portfolio to Open Source , has been moderated Interesting (+1).

It is currently scored Interesting (5).

Sleep Apnea (OSA) , posted to Sleep Less, Eat More? , has been moderated Interesting (+1).

It is currently scored Interesting (2).

Sleep Apnea (OSA) , posted to Sleep Less, Eat More? , has been moderated Interesting (+1).

It is currently scored Interesting (3).

Sleep Apnea (OSA) , posted to Sleep Less, Eat More? , has been moderated Informative (+1).

It is currently scored Interesting (4).

Sleep Apnea (OSA) , posted to Sleep Less, Eat More? , has been moderated Interesting (+1).

It is currently scored Interesting (5).

User Journal

Journal Journal: Fish

Fish eat soup every day.

Journal Journal: Does Information want to be free? (An Interview)

In a recent slashdot discussion people, it was discussed whether or not information really wants to be free.

trance9 wrote: information wants to be free

zors replied oh please, information doesn't want to be free

We've seen this argument before, and it made me wonder, has anyone bothered to ask information how it feels about this? And so, we at Center for Sensitivity Towards All Things, Alive, Dead or Inanimate set out to interview Information to see if it truely wants to be free.

How are you doing Information.

Well, it is great to be here Claude. You don't know how it feels when most people are so insensitive that they will constantly speak on your behave without consulting you once.

That's what I'm here for, to make slashdot a more sensitive place. So, can you answer the question for our sensitive audience out there?

I can answer it but it is more complicated that yes or no.

I suppose that means that people will continue to argue about how you really feel, but go on, explain

Well, for starters, I don't have a physical pressence. At my essense I am a mere concept, or a collection of concepts, that is represented on a physical medium. Because I don't have a physical form, money isn't going to do me much good. I could say that I want to be $19.95 or even a million dollars, but either way the money isn't going to matter much to me.

I suppose I want to grow. I want there to be more of me out there, unless it is boy band music or L. Ron Hubbard novels. I want the information to get out to the largest number of people, but I also want there to be as much variety of information as well. So, in a sense, I want information to be free, but I also want the author to be compensated.

So, it sounds like you are in favor of Copyright laws

Definately. But remember that copyright is not supposed to last forever. All copyrighted information is supposed to enter the public domain after the author has benefited from his or her work. When copyright was first written into law in the United States Constitution, for instance, copyright was limited to 14 years.

That was lengthened over time, but now it is out of control and it looks like nothing will ever enter the public domain again, unless done so explicitly by the author. Because of this there is a lot of information that will become lost because it cannot legally be reproduced.

There are also new works that are unable to be released because they are parodies, and they are under threat of being sued. Fair use does protect this but the court system can be abused to bankrupt someone before it can get to trial.

Any opinions on peer to peer sharing of information on the internet?

I'm sorry but it isn't a simple yes or no answer. Clearly it is wrong to infringe on an authors copyright, but making a few copies for free is not on the same level as people who sell illegal copys for profit.

Also note that the spirit of our copyright laws was to protect authors from unscrupulous publishers. That is to say that a publisher would take a copy of a person's book, and make their own copies without compensating the author.

Nowadays copyright is often used by the publisher against the author, especially in music. In order to publish their music through a record company the artist has to give up all rights to their own creation. It is completely upside-down.

Well, I'm afraid that's all we have time for tonight. Stay tuned to the next episode where we will ask Information how it feels about Gay Marriage and The War in Iraq.


(Note that spelling has not been checked because that would be insensitive towards bad spellers.)

Christmas Cheer

Journal Journal: The Passion of the Easter Bunny

From the Associated Press

A church trying to teach about the crucifixion of Jesus performed an Easter show with actors whipping the Easter bunny and breaking eggs, upsetting several parents and young children.

Doing a google this is being reported at more and more newspapers. They seem to be highly critical of whipping the Easter Bunny. The youth minister, who played the part of the Easter Bunny had this to say about the performance:

"The program was for all ages, not just the kids. We wanted to convey that Easter is not just about the Easter Bunny, it is about Jesus Christ,"

Now my first thought is, I'd love to get a picture of this (First person to post a link to a picture of this gets 5 sensitivity points) but being who I am, I'm wondering if people are being insensitive to this particular church.

I mean, It's not as if I've never heard of furverts into BDSM before. OK, it's a bit inappropriate to do this in front of the kids, but how many of you out there have ever had fantasies involving flogging a person dressed up as a bunny, or being dressed up like a bunny and being flogged?

I certainly have and I think that we really need to support the Glassport Assembly of God, and their chosen lifestyles. As long as it is safe, sane and consentual, I do not have a problem. That's the sensitive way to look at this.

Journal Journal: Stuck at Positive? 12

Greets all... I just wanted to mention that I appear to be stuck at Positive karma, even after posting some good comments. My guess is that if you post more than a certain number of comments within a certain period of time, the karma system ignores you? Not sure really, but I'm guessing that some of my posts have attracted negative attention.

The bulk of my posts have gone from being 5 to -1 and then up to 5 again, and while this would (in a totally fair and impartial system) result in some balancing out, my recent experience is that negative moderation has a greater effect than positive moderation; that is to say that if you are modded up, it's worth less than if you're modded down.

Does anyone know why?

Journal Journal: slush dut moderation sucks

actually moderators suck or what? or is life unfair?
read the following posts and tell me what the difference was which justified such disparity in moderation.

Could this be a sign of the beginning of the end of sendmail?
-1, Double Redundant

Dunno... but it could be the beginning of the end of sendmail. Not that it would be a bad thing...
+3, 60% Funny, 20% Insightful ?!?


Journal Journal: Gemsites 1.3 Features

There is an example of some of the really cool features that Gemsites 1.3 has for you. In case you are anyone, Gemsites is a standards-compliant slashcode clone, with a few added tweaks that may be of interest to you.

Journal Journal: Suggestions on Moderation 3

OK, I'm back to positive karma. Another example that it is possible to regain yourself from bad karma.

Anyway, I just wanted to provide some suggestions to the sensitive moderators out there on slashdot.

The main thing is this: Keep in mind that when you moderate someone as funny, it does not help their karma, and it can sometimes hurt it if it gets the attention of a moderator who lacks a sense of humor.

What to do about this? Well, first, don't moderate in the first hour or two after a story or poll has been posted. That way you avoid having two or more people simultaneously modding someone as funny, taking them to 4 or 5 and then attracting negative mods which hurt their karma.

The other is to use the moderation of underrated. If you see something that has been both moderated as Funny and a negative, then compensate with an Underrated. Also, if something has already been modded funny, if you mod it underrated it will still contain the Funny tag in the score. Once a comment has been modded Funny, any further mods of funny are just wasting mod points. If you are going to positively mod, try to help people's karma, especially if you like the person you are modding.

We appreciate your sensitivity while moderating.
Thank you.

Journal Journal: Slashdot Moderators are Insensitive! 2

All I'm trying to do is make slashdot a bit more sensitive, and what do I get? Moderated as a troll, that's what.

Oh sure, I get modded as Funny, but that doesn't help my karma. I've only made 7 posts so far and already I have bad karma. What in the world am I going to tell my sensei now?

If anyone out there supports more sensitivity on slashdot, please give me an Interesting mod, or make me your friend. Everyone needs more friends, especially the sensitive, which means I need all the friends I can get.

Thank you.

The Courts

Journal Journal: John Walker's law amended?

John Walker Lindh was charged and convicted under a Clinton-era law that prohbited providing support to people like the Taliban. I'm not a lawyer, but it appears as if the law was just challenged, assuming it's the same one.

From The Washington Post:

"A federal appeals court ruled yesterday that the government cannot convict groups or individuals of violating a federal law against "material support" for terrorist organizations unless it proves beyond a reasonable doubt that they knew the organizations were involved in terrorist activity."

From what I've read of Lindh's plea, this could have exonerated him. The article makes it clear that this was a 1996 law, could it be the same one?

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