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Comment Re:When you have a machine from that era... (Score 1) 507

Transplant the drive, install image on beefier hardware--I've used variations on this technique for years. Works great.

I generally use a desktop box for the work. You need a small collection of laptop drive adapters (less than 20$ for a good selection). Then debootstrap a base image and customize from there; another route is to build your mini-image in a free partion and copy the completed custom install onto the 486's drive....

The take-home is: pull the drive and build/image from a modern machine.

Submission + - Mainstream Primer on RIAA tactics

quist writes: "To mark the fourth anniversary of the beginning of the RIAA assult of on filesharing, this week Marketplace on American Public Radio is running a three-part series on the battle. This is a very concise summary for friends and family who are unfamiliar with the situation. Part one — No pause in music industry's tough play — briefly summarizes Tanya Andersen's case and includes quotes from EFF's Fred Von Lohmann, Mitch Bainwol, chairman and CEO of the RIAA and, of course, Ray Beckerman. Part two — Free? Illegal? ... What's the difference? — describes the muddy water surrounding the Spiral Frog's "free" music downloads. The conclusion, which aired yesterday, will appear the Marketplace site later today."

Submission + - Dan Lyons Repents Over SCO Reporting

Groklaw Reader writes: "Dan Lyons, long known for his stories claiming that SCO's cases had merit, has finally repented. With SCO in bankruptcy, he's finally admitted that "the geeks were right" and it's time for him to "eat crow." While it might just be a cynical ploy to troll for more page views, he could just as easily do that without admitting error—Maureen O'Gara, for example, still believes in SCO, even after all this. Besides, why pass up an opportunity to say "I told you so!"?"
The Courts

SCO Blames Linux For Bankruptcy Filing 321

Stony Stevenson writes "SCO Group CEO Darl McBride is now claiming that competition from Linux was behind the company's filing of Chapter 11 bankruptcy. 'In a court filing in support of SCO's bankruptcy petition, McBride noted that SCO's sales of Unix-based products "have been declining over the past several years." The slump, McBride said, "has been primarily attributable to significant competition from alternative operating systems, including Linux." McBride listed IBM, Red Hat, Microsoft, and Sun Microsystems as distributors of Linux or other software that is "aggressively taking market share away from Unix.""

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Doubt isn't the opposite of faith; it is an element of faith. - Paul Tillich, German theologian and historian
