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User Journal

Journal Journal: Open Source Law Office: 2005 Recap 1

As the year closes, the open source code successfully used in our office includes the following:

Ubuntu 5.10 with Linux kernel 2.6.12-10-386.

Gnome 2.12.1

Open Office 2.0

Evolution 2.4.1

Firefox 1.0.7

Nvu 1.0

Gimp 2.2.8


Ubuntu is installed on my desktop and though XP Pro is installed on another partition, I do not need to boot it and have not booted it for most of the last quarter of 05.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Firefox page loading fix

Firefox was inexplicably failing to load pages when used with Linux. It was a problem under both Mandriva and Ubuntu but not a problem under XP Pro. It did work fine with Ubuntu Linux on my home machine but not my office machine. The two machines use different ISPs but are otherwise substantially identical.

The problem was ridiculous but driving me nuts. Some kind souls on Ubuntu forum posted the fix which was distressingly simple. Now all is well in my Firefox world.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Open Source Law Office: Considering Calendars

Evolution does not appear to share calendars the same way that Amicus Attorney shares a calendar. Amicus Attorney has one calendar that can be read and written to over a local area network. Since everyone on the network is required to use a Micro$oft operating system, there's no compatibility issues.

Our goal is to banish M$ from our office forever and ever. We want to be liberated from M$. We need a kludge for this calendar sharing problem to do it.

Here's the problem:
User Journal

Journal Journal: Open Source Law Office: Samba Redux

The linux desktop in my office is now networked so that our office machines interact basically the same way they used to under the peer-to-peer Windows XP setup.

I used the simplest smb.conf setup I could find and set my directory permissions with this command:

chmod -R +rwx home/

That directory contains all of our forms and matter files and can be browsed by the Windows XP machine that my secretary uses.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Open Source Law Office: Triage

This is a short note to say that between a firewall, ssh and samba, the correct first thing to work on (in my world) is a firewall.

Why? Because its impossible to relax enough to leave my office computer powered up when I go home unless I feel reasonably good about the firewall. If the machine is not powered up, then I have to stop working on all three projects after I leave the office.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Open Source Law Office: WYSWYG v. command line redux

In the ongoing adventure that running my office with open source code has become, I've set aside Samba, SSH and PGP questions for the time being to consider a more philosophical question.

The question is whether its better to use wyswyg word processing or to consider using only raw text.
User Journal

Journal Journal: My Open Source Law Office

A little over five years ago, I became interested in open source while managing a Legal Services Corporation-funded office that primarily served low-income survivors of partner violence across eight rural counties in Montana.

I saw that the money in my scant budget expended for software licenses and technical support of products offered by companies that refused to share source code could be used instead to serve clients.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Notes on Unix Power Tools 3d Ed.

This book by Shelley Powers, Jerry Peek, Tim O'Reilly and Mike Loukides is a well written balance of historically grounded concept articles and straight forward how-to information.

I'm using the book to assist me in my ongoing (started as a hobby) project of migrating my small law office to full open source code. Now that I no longer boot Windows on my office desktop, my need for and interest in command-line syntax has sharply increased.
User Journal

Journal Journal: law office notes

It turns out that its easier and more effective to use the spreadsheet from Open Office to handle office finances. Gnucash is not ready.

I created one spreadsheet each for accounts payable, accounts receivable, trust balances and timekeeping.

The timekeeping spreadsheet tracks my time and expenses on one sheet and describes my activities on another sheet. The sheets are grouped by financial quarter.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Linux Law Office: Next Steps

Linux is working out well on my desktop machine in my law office. I haven't had to boot my XP partition for about two weeks now. The system does everything my former XP system used to do except run Quickbooks. Gnucash imports from Quickbooks so that problem ends this week.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Linux Law Office

I've been wanting to do this for a long time: My office machine now runs Linux on its desktop. Its a Mandriva Linux installation. All of the apps are open source too.

The network has only two machines on it and two printers. The machine in the reception area is an XP Pro operating system and runs Quickbooks because I haven't found a viable open source substitute yet.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Ohio bummer

Hard to know where to start or what to say. The Onion ran the headline, Nation's Poor Elects Nation's Rich. That summed up for me. The mind boggles.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Clinton Redux

It was gratifying to hear this morning that former Pres. Clinton joined Sen. Kerry for a rally in Pennsylvania. I still think that VP Gore could have won . . . by a larger margin . . . if he had requested help from Pres. Clinton. Now if Sen. Kerry heads for Florida with the campaign crew he's assembled and sets up camp, he'll win.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Logic and Polis

These are two of my favorite words to see linked together. I like logic in connection with polis becaue it reminds me that I don't think that logic is the tool for doing the work of a city. That work is conceived differently by different people, but I think of it as the work of giving substance to the social contract, i.e. tuning the economy to feed, clothe, shelter, heal and educate.
User Journal

Journal Journal: POTUS Debate No. 3

Having just watched debate no. 3 (held in Tempe, Arizona), I have grown tired of trying to anticipate whether other viewers will or will not evaluate issues on whether the candidates seemed "likable."

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