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Comment News to noone who's flown lately (Score 1) 79

I just flew 2 days ago on SouthWest and watched NFL and Discovery Channel the whole way via Wifi with my iPad (3rd gen). No glitches, ran fine. They utilize DishTV receivers I believe and you have about 15-20 channels to chose live broadcast from. You can pay for internet, but seriously, there's nothing so pressing on the Internet I can't wait 2 hours to access (for free at the airport).

Comment Re:what about freeze tag? (Score 1) 336

So glad you mentioned this incident. We had a report of workplace violence from the International Space Station. They were looking down on the Earth when they said someone pointed a gun-looking object towards them. They felt very threatened. Turns out it was just a kid calling someone a loser on a playground. We can now close the file.

Comment Re:"Enhance, zoom in!" (Score 1) 205

This should somehow get a bonus mod above the "5" score. We should somehow flag posts that are first person, "been there, done it and understand it." I would add that not only should you read those publications he (AC) cites, but also, if you have time Google other startups the VC has funded. Just perhaps, you know one of them. Perhaps, you know someone who knows them. You get the idea. Call them. Don't talk specifics about your plan, or theirs, but get an idea of what the VC's non-verbals gave away. Were they mostly interested in finance? How technical did their questions get? How prepared were they (eg. 10 slide PPT as someone above mentions, or 2,000 page business plan that the VCs actually read, etc)?

To also build upon AC's comment, "Be really sure you want to do it," keep in mind you're now "locking in to buying your job." I owned a small retail and service business. If you are 50% of the "company," you often can't "just call in sick," when you feel bad. If you own your own business, you have the stress of knowing your livelihood rests on your decisions. This isn't bad, but it is stressful. Now with a VC, add the fact you have a VC's money. Keep in mind that if you go under, personal assets aren't as "safe," as business classes try to make you believe in "Why to incorporate," lessons. The VC may ask you to sign a personal guarantee, which is above and beyond a business debt.

Comment Re: How can you tell North Korea was hacked? (Score 1) 212

I used to think reading comprehension was a dying art, but I guess it's just my ineffective writing. I will elaborate. The subject was human suffering. The subject was not crime. As you'll see in the replies below, your "daily" observations are not the norm, unless things have drastically changed since I left the US two years ago.

Which brings me to the next lapse in communication. When I write, "I saw this today in Afghanistan," it means I am seeing this first hand, in the country called Afghanistan within 24 hours of writing it. I saw it again today. This wasn't a meth addict. This was a boy who's family lives in dirt. Not figuratively. Literally. The scraps he gets before the goats got there (they were about 300 yards to my left), are for his family. There is no infomercial showing me this. I very rarely watch TV, possibly an hour every couple weeks. I haven't had a professor since I finished Grad School 13 years ago.

I've been around the world. I've seen Jamaicans who's "house" was a piece of corrugated steel leaned up against a tree, just 5 miles from a pristine Nike factory that likely made the shoes you're wearing, or some like them. I've been around Europe (France, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Holland, UK, and a few others) where I see what freedoms and opportunities we, as Americans, enjoy that so many, like you, take for granted.

So, I'll conclude this with the same statement I made before: Get out of the US. See the world. Spend two months ANYWHERE. I don't care where. Anywhere outside North America, and then come back and complain about the US. It's nearly a rhetorical statement, because anyone outside of the US wouldn't complain. Why do you think most of the world tries to immigrate here? It's certainly not because of the picture you paint with your "daily" happenings and local newspaper articles. The corruption of our news media is also a completely different topic.

My main point still is undisputed: Even our homeless in the US are far better off than the suffering in many 3rd world countries, where people are literally starving to death on the street.

Comment Re:I approve. (Score 1) 212

You do realize nearly every military defeat is preceeded by your exact comment that it's "Just a threat." Kuwait didn't think Iraq would invade. Saddam didn't think the US would go to war, despite the buildup before January 1991. Afghanistan didn't believe we'd do anything when we said to turn over OBL and turn over those who planned 9/11. Poland didn't expect Hitler, as they'd just signed a "Non Aggression Treaty." History is ripe with examples where a threat was made, it was ignored, and those who ignored it paid dearly.

Comment Re: How can you tell North Korea was hacked? (Score 5, Insightful) 212

You have to be from the US or a 1st World Country, and have never gotten out of your safety bubble. The poorest of US citizens are insanely better off than those starving in 3rd world countries. Human rights are more respected. You've never watched a cop gun down a homeless guy who asked for some food in the middle of the sidewalk, with people all around them. And last I checked, despite 3 wars since WWII, we haven't told anyone that we'd nuke them. Back to the conditions, when was the last time you saw a 5 year old on the side of the street picking through the trash, next to goats and livestock, looking for food and other items for their family? I see it nearly every day in Afghanistan. North Korea is actually worse than Afghanistan, which is mind blowing if you've really gotten out in the world and seen the poverty and despair prevalent. Things you take for granted, or throw away, people would kill you for in quite a few places in the world.

And, numnuts, you are free. Not in the "Vandals" kind of way where you can walk into a deli and piss on the cheese, but post something up critical about your government. Now go sit and watch your door... Nothing... Right. Enjoy that (for now). Now, look for a job and apply. Enjoy the ability. Now, decide you want to drive from your state to the next. Enjoy the ability. Now, look out your window and decide what YOU want to do today. Enjoy that ability. Decide what you want to eat, regardless of what it is because nothing is out or rationed. Enjoy that. Make eye contact with a cop, smile, say hello, and not get beaten (LAPD and NYPD may be exceptions to this). Enjoy that freedom. Got a good idea, such as an Internet Search Engine, a Personal Computer named after a fruit, or goofy site to "Like" stuff your friends made, then go ahead and do it. Enjoy that freedom. Make millions and put it into your own account. Enjoy that for awhile, but keep in mind everyone in the government or with a lawyer is now gunning to take it from you. Enjoy that brief freedom.

Get it? Better yet. Don't get it. Get out and see the world. Spend 2 months in Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia, or anywhere undeveloped...then come back to me and complain about the US. The last point to make is the irony is the largest reserves recently found of oil is in the US. Are we invading ourselves now smartguy?

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 4

Oh, it didn't really look like a prank, even now that I know it was April 1st. I thought it was an attempt to stop auto-mining, Google, or something I wasn't tracking.

Thanks for the reply which was constructive. The more I see of the world, the more I see we need more people like you...and a lot less of the other guy who replied. Unfortunately, you can't cure @$$hole syndrome outside of a warzone nearly as easily as you can in one (where "things happen"...or "Inshallah")

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 4

Or, maybe I'm in Afghanistan, working 12-17 hour days, 7 days a week, and so not only would I not know it's April 1... I wouldn't even know what day of the week it is. If you're unable to login to reply to my question/comment/whatever, then please don't bother replying.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Whats with the garbled articles? 4

I don't want to have to click, sign-in etc to read articles here. I don't know why it's changed, but if Slashdot was looking for a way to stop me from coming to this site daily (which I've done for many years), they did an awesome job.

Comment That's not a bad strategy (Score 5, Interesting) 96

Have some intel on how far their legal teams are getting to filing, and then right before they file.... move. Now, they have to start over in the new country. Watch them, wait for them get ready to file.... move. Eventually they'll realize they're spending millions on legal teams and not getting anywhere. Eventually, you start over, but since time has progressed (as I'm sure technology will for distribution in some way) they'll have to re-review or start over.

Comment Theory X or Y? (Score 1) 219

I interviewed with a colleague and boss, and things went well. There was a delay of 3-4 weeks for the offer letter and in the interim, I was asked to interview with a 3rd person, even though, "I already had the job." In casual conversation I mentioned, "You know there's two types of leaders/managers: Theory X and Theory Y. Theory X believe people have to be pushed to do a good job. Theory Y believe everyone wants to do well and a manager just figures out how to remove the roadblocks." This third person said, "I'm definitely Theory X." Spidey senses tingled like crazy. 5 months later, I've been working for the 3rd person and it's been constant headaches due to his management style.

So, ask him "What do you think motivates people? You as a manager, or do you think people are naturally, internally very motivated to do a good job." The answers will be really revealing because a Theory X responder won't realize the "tell."

Comment Re:Its becoming clear (Score 2) 306

I have no mod points, but I would use all of them for +1 "Funny" for the last sentence, "Muslims are the only ones you see because they're the rockstars of the religious nutjob world right now." Just goes to with the Inglorious Bastards quote, "You know how you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice!" Islam has had centuries of practice and have permanent "Pro Cards," in the Super Bowl of crazies.

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