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Comment Re:The biggest threat to US critical infrastructur (Score 2) 98

Having worked in water infrastructure for several years, I wholeheartedly agree. Old computers, old software, and weak security are rampant. Combine that with underfunded municipalities and you get a recipe for easy disruption - and not in a good way.

Comment Mindset Shift Needed (Score 1) 184

Sounds like this CEO is still used to the old school way of thinking. My wife managed global teams for a major corporation for over 10 years. All from home. I think she might have met with some of her teammates every year or so, but not everyone could attend at that was fine. She continually increased the efficiency of these teams - all without stepping foot at any company facility.

Remote management is completely possible. It takes time to build the tools and keep to the work ethic needed, but with upper management's blessing and understanding, it can be quite profitable for the company as well.

Maybe Arvind Krishna should get out of the office and learn how it is really done instead of relying on reports.

Submission + - Firefly Launches Alpha Rocket to Orbit (

techmage writes: Early this morning, Firefly Aerospace succeeded in launching their Alpha rocket to Low Earth Orbit. This marks one of a handlful of companies who have reached space with that few attempts (Virgin Orbit and RocketLab are just some of the others).

Shameless plug — I had the pleasure of building the Serenity satellite, a 3U CubeSat that flew on the mission.

Check out the video of the launch and deployment. It is quite something to watch.

Comment Sucha Advanced Hardare! (Score 1) 80

Having worked in water quality for a few years, I am surprised they had a system as sophisticated as Windows 7. A lot of the smaller wastewater plants were still running Windows XP and even DOS to connect to their SCADA and PLC systems. Security is considered a big hassle as it takes a lot of training. Upgrades costs money that most municipalities simply do not have. When there is no budget, things don't get done, or done with a patchwork of parts. It is sad to see. I am not advocating throwing money at the problem, but municipalities need to come to terms with the shortchanging they have done at a lot of these facilities.

Comment Re:FAA is used to tested, safe aircraft (Score 2) 211

Umm. No. The FAA is responsible for untested aircraft and the work that goes into making them safe. SpaceX Starship rockets are not missiles (there is a very specific difference). The FAA itself was a department called AST that oversees the development and launch of rocket vehicles. Full disclosure: I built rockets and have worked with the AST. The job of the AST is to understand the launch process before a rocket takes off. If there were issues in translation, that could explain a lot. SpaceX may have thought they were following the rules as set in their launch license. The FAA AST may have thought differently. These discrepancies will be worked out and SpaceX will fly.

Rocket science is more than just the work in the lab.

Comment Hubstaff is a Pain (Score 2) 151

My former employer used Hubstaff and it was a disaster. Everyone became so paranoid that they stopped doing good work just to look busy for the metrics. A few folks started bringing in their own computers and using them as a second machine to stay off company radar. Build good systems in place including performance metrics and you will never need this kind of software.

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