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Comment Re:Where do people find jobs? (Score 1) 586

Yeah, I'd looooove to see the Republicans, aka Wealth Creation Force (TM) go to town on that proposal: "*We* built this nation, we are entitled to a share (Nontaxable of course, it's investment income. Which shouldn't be taxed, or if it is it should be a much lower rate, obviously.). *You* on the other hand...should've bought a robot..."

Comment Re:Important but we can't change it (Score 1) 586

I guess I'm not sure what you mean by "gets all the way there". It sounds like you mean, not only is all work doable by machines, but machines or their output are accessible to all in such a fashion that they can get all of their basic needs met. I'm not even sure what that would mean. Will most people have manufacturing machines to produce goods for barter? Will most people have machines that produce most of what they use? Will people own machines which will earn salaries for the owners? Will everything be free?


Submission + - Text spammer wants FCC to declare spam filters illegal. 2

TCPALaw writes: ccAdvertising, a company purported to have “a long, long, long history of pumping spam out of every telecommunications orifice, and even boasting of voter suppression” has asked the FCC to declare spam filters illegal. Citing Free Speech rights, the company claims that wireless carriers should be prohibited from employing spam filters that might block ccAdvertising’s political spam. Without stating it explicitly, the filing implies that network neutrality must apply to spam, so the FCC must therefore prohibit spam filters (unless political spam is whitelisted). In an earlier filing, the company suggests it is proper that recipients "bear some cost" of unsolicited political speech sent to their cell phones.
        The public can file comments with the FCC on ccAdvertising’s filing here.

Submission + - High-Frequency Traders Use 50-Year-Old Wireless Tech (itworld.com)

jfruh writes: "In the world of high-frequency stock trading, every millisecond is money. That's why many firms are getting information and sending big orders not through modern fiber-optic networks, but using line-of-site microwave repeaters, a technology that's over 50 years old. Because electromagnetic radiation passes more quickly through air than glass, and takes a more direct route, the older technology is seeing something of a renaissance."

Submission + - Happy Birthday to Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer (wired.com)

MrBeeudoublez writes: Honored by a Google Doodle, Ada Lovelace is the first computer programmer. From the article,
"Ada’s life as a member of British society (first as the daughter of Lord Byron, and later as the wife of the Count of Lovelace), brought her into contact with Charles Babbage, whose concepts for mechanical calculating machines (early computers) she took a great interest in. Ultimately, her work on explaining Babbage’s design for the Analytical Engine resulted in her being credited as the first true computer programmer in history, even if the computer she programmed for was not actually built until 2002."


Submission + - Funding sought to create prototype date-rape-drug-detecting drinkware (salon.com) 1

boneglorious writes: Funding is being sought by startup company DrinkSavvy to complete a prototype of drinkware (cups, straws, etc) that turn from clear to red-striped when they come into contact with drugs such as Rohypnol. The article makes the point that in order to be attractive to bars, it will need to not be too expensive. However, if this proves successful, I suspect some drinkers will be willing to bring their own cup to the bar.

Submission + - Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself (with a bad trip)

carmendrahl writes: "In Austria, people can submit their street drugs to a lab-on-a-bus to ensure they got what they paid for. The government is using the bus to track emergence of new variants of bath salts and other drugs. Now, researchers have developed a test they'd like to add to the bus's offerings: it assesses drug action instead of just reporting chemical structure."

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