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Comment Re:Explanation of the problem (Score 1) 211

i dont think they create a whole brand new character for each era. as i understand it, it was one of the character's in the emporer's name (i could be wrong here i never checked) but even so chinese has 10k+ characters of which only 2k are used by japanese. so it seems unlikely that a new kanji character will actually be created. but i guess it could.
current computers using showa 93 rather then heisei 30 is just lazy as programming. you've had 30 years to update your software.
also internally computers are using the gregorian calader so all this is just a localization issue, it doesnt stop banking operations, etc.

Comment rappers (Score 5, Insightful) 644

i dont see many white males represented in rap videos. i guess that is the reason that there is a under representation of white males in rap. we should start a petition demanding that white males be equally represented in rap videos in order to grow the number of white males in rap

Comment Re:Don't RTFA (Score 2) 318

to me adblock does all this.
1. content neutrality - it my have started as an "ad blocker" but now blocks so much unneeded web elements that it truely enhances performance. those things it is blocking are more then advertising, and also includes tracking information
2. transparency and control - user is able to blacklist/whitelist any site at any time
3. openness - user is able to view complete list of blocked elements at anytime.

so mozilla is ok with adblock/ghostery etc. IMHO anyway

Comment Re:Don't RTFA (Score 4, Informative) 318

heart of text.

Content Neutrality: Content blocking software should focus on addressing potential user needs (such as on performance, security, and privacy) instead of blocking specific types of content (such as advertising).
Transparency & Control: The content blocking software should provide users with transparency and meaningful controls over the needs it is attempting to address.
Openness: Blocking should maintain a level playing field and should block under the same principles regardless of source of the content. Publishers and other content providers should be given ways to participate in an open Web ecosystem, instead of being placed in a permanent penalty box that closes off the Web to their products and services.

Comment not very bright is he? (Score 2) 399

people would have missed a mayor. job blow of course not but when a day or 2 passes and the mayor hasnt made contact people will start searching. FBI most likely would have been called. Fox"News" would have reported it and it would have shed some light on the practice. he should have just sit still.

Comment Re:form over function? (Score 1) 209

i call that the mythical mutex. the os acts like it is waiting for a mutex to unlock (very low cpu and disk access but doing nothing) i noticed it in osx and it seems to slowly be disappearing from osx but not from xcode yet. however microsoft seems to have stolen or licensed this patent from apple and is now putting it in all windows versions everywhere they can. god save the queen

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