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Comment Wording /might/ be a bit off (Score 1) 284

The first thing noticed with all the other Snowden releases was how pathetic the gov worded things 'We aren't spying right now, and won't be in the future'. ok... but... that extra tense you missed....

I'm sure there's legal coverage for all of these people to flat out lie, and as shown, most of them have been, but the gov has their back, and I'm sure the wording of things signed meant they were compelled to lie.
So they hit up Google/Microsoft/Cisco, and Apple is the only one who didn't turn over their information when forced to and doesn't even know what all this is about? Yeah, right. Need to do better to earn our trust, as I'm sure the next leak will show that Apple not only knew, but probably gave them the docs to allow this to occur.

Comment Better to track (Score 1) 252

More likely to be abused by authorities/criminals. Surely what'd be better is when you see your phone's gone missing, log in to itunes/google and track it. Get a key to hand other to law enforcement to let them track it and have permission to do what's needed. They track it, find out who's currently got the phone, and arrest them or find out who they bought it from and arrest them.

Person who got phone stolen gets their phone back.
Person who stole it gets arrested, and often with other stolen items.
Thieves learn it's not worth stealing these phones as they'll get caught
People won't buy suspected stolen phones as they know they won't get to keep them
Longer term solution to fix the problem than kill switching them.

Comment Everquest, the original (Score 1) 555

14 years on, it's still there, still great. It's got the community that's mature (well, most of us are a few years (14!?) older than when we started), but it's still an amazing game. Free to play, so can dip your toes in the water, and the chat channels are full of people who'll help newbies, or returning players.

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