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Comment Yeah not quite... (Score 5, Informative) 322

As someone who works with POS Ready 2009 a lot (I write Point of Sale Software), the catch with this idea is that many (a great many) of the components in normal XP just don't exist in POSReady.

SO you may, or may not get updates for some parts of your OS - because Microsoft will not be writing updates for the rest.

Comment Re:A bunch of nuns? (Score 2) 800

I think self preservation has got us as a species a long way, it also is the best mechanism currently available for keeping the roads as safe as they are. I don't see any reason to change this just because the 'gizmo' that does it changes.

Once you start having 20 cars each trying to work out what combination of movements results in the least casualties - they will all probably just stop and turn their engines off.

Comment Rename it.. (Score 3, Funny) 710

.. just like the Christians renamed 'creation' to Intelligent Design, maybe it is time to rename 'evolution' to something else.

Note - that just like the Christians renamed their's to 'sound' more scientific, we have to rename Evolution to sound more 'religious'.

Maybe "God and Nature's Excellent Adventure" or something.

Suggestions anyone ?

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