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Comment Re:Enjoy your lazy job while it lasts. (Score 1) 547

Well I'm working mainly as a project manager nowadays but I used to code a lot. So I know what is like. The only solution I found is to give "micro tasks". Basically any task I give should be accomplished within a day...So my job is mainly to divide jobs to suit that logic...And it works...Most of the time (it doesn't work well on Friday :-) ).

Comment Re:Why redirect them? (Score 1) 512

I wish you would be right. We just finished a large extranet for some lobbying organizations. Most of their members are heavy industries. We discovered along the road that around 20% of their members still use Internet Explorer 6 and any update are blocked by their IT department, they have no plans (yet???) to replace their activeX web based services. The only solution? Sniffing browser and creating a "light" version...

those users can safely surf over the Internet with this browser.(can you imagine...)

Conclusion: IT departments transferred all the cost of their laziness upon our shoulders. They spent mot of their time hunting down viruses on their intranet.

Comment Re:good (Score 1) 264

Mercedes, BMW, Audi...Yes...but Lexus, here in Europe (well in my country anyway) they are still branded as BMW wannabes. Price...Design...Aren't enough. You need history, fans, design, sex appeal...I mean You need a soul.

Submission + - France considers a "Google" tax on ads (

oliderid writes: France could start taxing internet advertising revenues from online giants such as Google, using the funds to support creative industries that have been hit by the digital revolution,

Comment Re:Python (Score 1) 799

When I was 12, all I wanted to do was cool 2D animated stuffs. I fear that Python as such may be a bit too dry for a kid (I'm far from being a python expert ;-)) Why not Lingo? (Macromedia Director) (I don't know this language, but it seems to me that the syntax is pretty straightforward)

Comment Re:The real reason (Score 1) 216

On the other hand how could you trust a company that will force you to sign digitally an EULA stipulating

  • you won't complain if they lose all your data
  • They will be able to change this contract in no time and you might end up paying to use your own property.

If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys

Submission + - The European GPS Galileo 'pathfinders' take shape (

oliderid writes: After all the wrangling, the delays and the furore over cost, Europe's version of GPS is finally starting to take shape. Due for launch in pairs in late 2010 and early-2011, the "pathfinders" will form a mini-constellation in the sky. They will transmit the navigation signals that demonstrate the European system can become a reality. Discover an interesting video clip introducing the main feature of a Galileo's satellite.

Comment Re:But... (Score 1) 207

Same for me on Compaq laptop almost a year ago. I had to find non-official packages to make it run with my SuSE. It took me hours. Those packages have finally been added to the repos few months after. I don't critize nobody, I'm mean they do a great job and this is free, so what could you say? Anyway the fact is WI-FI is often difficult to install on Linux and you have to know it. Ideally you would have to document yourself on the wifi used by the laptop you plan to purchase first (a thing I never do :-)). Just like printers support few years ago. Claiming that there is no problem won't help anybody IMHO.

Submission + - How to monitor a MySQL server in real time?

oliderid writes: I have almost finished a web application that should support more than 100 queries per second some tables having more than 500.000 rows. Well I'm not used to this kind of load. I did my best to apply the best practices I could find over the web, reduce the queries to the database to the minimum, indexing, etc. but I'd like to have a GPL tool to monitor this database in real-time and see clearly how often a query is done, redundant ones, be sure that my mental is respected "One query per "page", processing time, etc. See when the server is about to be overloaded. The server is remote, Linux (redhat or ubuntu). There is no Xwindow, so I can monitor it through SSH/shell or through a web application. Any idea? Thx!

Comment Re:Let me be the first... (Score 1) 190

Being Belgian and their neighbors...Dutch people tend to speak English rather well. But their knowledge of other languages (except German maybe) is rather a myth. If you are looking for real polyglot, I suggest you to choose Flemish. They usually know French and English quite well and Dutch which is their native tongue....Learning German is easier for them (a lot of common roots) Just like for Dutchmen, . Franck De Winne is a perfect example of that fact (he knows, Dutch, English, Russian and probably other languages as well).

I'm a French speaking Belgian, so well let's say that I can't be considered as biased on the topic ;). The fact that I know English, Dutch and French would not impressed anybody in Flanders...Actually it will be considered as "normal". A good Belgian and nothing else (except maybe that I should learn German too, which is the third national language)

Comment Re:Capitalization (Score 3, Informative) 190

Yes, when you see a little "d" it is usually used for noble title. It has been influenced by the French "etiquette".

For the non-beneluxians. :-)

"De" in Dutch means literally "the". for example: Jan De Boer (John the Farmer), Jacques De Ridder (Jacques the rider/the knight), etc. When you see names like Van Den Berg (it means from the hills), Jean-Claude Van Damme (Jean-Claude from Damme -> a Belgian town).

There is no form of nobility in those names so you use capital letters.

On the other hand: The King is in French "Albert de Belgique" or in Dutch "Albert van België").

Comment Re:Flaming Troll From "Sweden" (Score 1) 190

First: The European culture is not "just" the Western European culture.

Second see where most of Russians live. How they look like, What kind of language they speak (slavic language), their culture (their gifts to the European culture, classical music, literature), their religion (orthodox), their classical architecture, etc. The conclusion is so obvious (?).

I'm Belgian and frankly it is the first time I see people claiming that Russia is not an European nation. The need of a western civilization in front of the current world affairs may explain this "new" definition.

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