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Comment Re:I think most people missed the point (Score 1) 429

I you people are missing the point. The original movie was about this fantasy world inside the computer--which at the time was a great imaginative way to see it. You could also look at the original movie as a VR world in which artificial programs help people accomplish tasks. If I remember correctly, the master controller was on a main frame and was a AI. All this is within the realm of possible for imagination.

      The way I saw the new movie was like this: Flynn was trying to create a VR world to mirror the one he experienced in the original movie. Every program in there was an AI. Some created by him in his search for creating the perfect world, and another group that came into existence. The movie was about the continuing war between those who want to control freedom and expression and those who wish to express their freedom and express themselves. It mirrors our battle in the real world with balancing the rights of a freedom with the need to maintain an ordered framework to express that freedom without causing anarchy and chaos.

Comment Re:The future of what? (Score 1) 101

Actually, my work is currently installing hands-free faucets in the bathroom sinks. The sensor battery is recharged with a small water turbine, and you only need to change the battery when it no longer works. Creating more technology like this would be better for the green movement than Al Gore's movie. Although, I doubt it is cheap enough yet for use by everyday folks.

Comment Re:This Guy (Score 1) 337

I know this is a little late, but I will reply anyways because this is the first time I have checked back on my post (frankly, I don't care what a bunch of liberal keyboard jockeys think). The people at wikileaks could have used some brains and realized they were endangering the lives of people. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean it is the right thing to do. My anger was directed at the right people because without a sucker to post the information publicly, the information would have gotten little attention. I stand by my original claim. If these guys were reporting behind the lines in Germany, they would be the type of "journalist" who would publish the names of the Ally informants in Nazi German newspapers. Also, they probably would use the lame excuse of "we just published the information" when the Nazi's rounded up the informants and killed them. Grow up people and realize that freedom of information has a cost--you have to be intelligent to handle it. You can't just say what ever you want. You are not a "hero" just because you get information and post it that supports your idea that something is wrong. Hero's have the brains to think that innocent people may get hurt and they filter the information first. If they contacted the Obama administration first, they would probably have helped them because it is something Obama would have supported. I hope the whole staff at wikileaks pays some price--how ever many that may be!

Comment This Guy (Score -1, Flamebait) 337

This guy, and his source(s), are despicable! He released information that has put the lives of innocent people--people who wanted to improve their country by providing information-- in danger. I am sure the informants thought they were providing the information anonymously. Now, thanks to the acts of a "journalist" (I use that term in the very loosest sense), these informants are in danger. If these guys were reporting behind the lines in Germany, they would be the type of "journalist" who would publish the names of the Ally informants in Nazi German newspapers. No matter what your stance on the war in Afghanistan, everyone with intelligence should be mad at these people! They have no common sense at best! I think it is wrong for the Swiss to protect him. I hope they give him over to the United States.

Comment Re:Cost (Score 1) 710

Don't forget the tree-huggers will not let us mine for it because we'd probably desturb the mating habits of some dung beetle or something. One only needs to look at California to understand that we are stuck in a stalemate. The tree-huggers don't want to use oil products to produce energy (California could be in the black instead of the red if it actually drilled for oil), coal, wood, and even nuclear. China's starting to create a strangle hold on REE that's needed for the green technologies they swoon over which doesn't produce the same bang for your energy buck as the other stuff. Do you actually think think for a moment the tree-huggers will let any mining happen? They would rather live in the dark ages.

Submission + - Ooops...They were wrong

jmccay writes: Apparently, Al Gore was wrong. The science behind global warming is not settled. All the past models and results can now be thrown out the window. Summarised here. The computer models apparently were not set up properly with the correct data. Here is a better description.

Linus Torvalds For Nobel Peace Prize? 541

An anonymous reader writes "I'm as much of a Linux fanboy as anyone else, but I've never thought of anything in computing as being worth a Nobel Peace Prize. Apparently, there are those who take global collaboration seriously, though..." The suggestion has been bouncing around the Portland Linux community, where Torvalds lives. Is it worthy of wider attention and discussion?

GNOME 3 Delayed Until September 2010 419

supersloshy writes "Contrary to popular opinion, GNOME 3 will not be released in March next year. It has been delayed until September 2010, six months later. According to the news message, this is because 'our community wants GNOME 3.0 to be fully working for users and why we believe September is more appropriate.' GNOME 3's main goal is to re-define the ways people interact with the desktop, mainly through a new UI design (currently called 'GNOME Shell'), while GNOME 2.30, set for release in March, will have a focus on being stable. An early visual tour of GNOME 3 has been posted at Digitizor."

Microsoft Buys Teamprise, Will Ship Linux Tools 200

spongman writes "Microsoft's Senior Vice President, Developer Division, S. Somasegar has announced that Microsoft has acquired Teamprise from Sourcegear, LLC, and will be shipping it as part of the upcoming Visual Studio 2010 release. Teamprise is an Eclipse plugin (and related tools) for connecting to Team Foundation Server, Microsoft's source-control/project-management system. What's most interesting about this is not only that Microsoft has realized that heterogeneous development platforms are important to their developer customers, but the fact that Microsoft themselves will now be developing and shipping products based on those heterogeneous platforms, including 5 versions of Unix."

Comment Re:good description (Score 1, Flamebait) 323

I trust Fox News far more that communist radio NPR that worships at the alter of Obama. They practically drool when he talks. Doesn't anyone have a problem with the government owning media? Isn't it bad enough that the private own media swoons on every word Obama says? He already owns the banks and 2/3 of the American car industry. This doesn't bother anyone else?

Comment Re:Too early yet (Score 3, Insightful) 334

You are kind of missing the point. Congress doesn't want us to know what the bills say, and they don't want to really know what the bill says. If they don't actually read the bill, they have plausible deniability. If you can't read the bill, then they can say you don't know what you're talking about, and if that doesn't work, they'll just call you a racist for disagreeing. Take health care for instance. What Obama and the Democrats have been saying the bill does is not what the actual bill says. They are playing a magician; they want you to watch what there right hand (what they say) is doing while the left hand (what the bill says) is doing something else. Didn't you have a problem when Obama broke his promise that we'd be able to view bills a week before they are passed (see here)? Aren't you bothered that most in Congress don't read the bill before they sign it, and then try to tell you what it actually does? They are trying to reform health care in America without actually reading the whole bill! Ask your local Representative if they read the bill before they passed it back in August. Anything that expedites the process of you being able to read what is being passed will not be done. This is business as usual.
United States

Journal Journal: Wow...What a year it's been

Wow. It's been a over year since I wrote in here. I am proud to say that I did not vote for Obama. I didn't vote for Obama because I looked at what he said, and compared it to what he did while in Illinois politics. I looked at his character, not the public persona he wants you to believe. I looked at who he hung around with and their beliefs. I knew he wasn't qualified for the office of President.

Comment Re:You're Computin' for a Shootin' Mister (Score 1) 370

I wonder if the VP bought multi-core technologies expecting that there would be an instantaneous improvement. The truth is that multi-core technologies don't guarantee massive improvements if the software was not written to take advantage of more than one processor. I think this is more a case of a VP seeing too much of the "big picture" and not enough of the details.

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