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Comment Re:Disney's version of NC-17... (Score 1) 379

Well, there is the episode where Richard Pryer didn't turn up and a convicted sex offender was the special guest. Personally, I quite like a lot of Chris Langham's stuff, and as far as I remember it was quite a good episode. I don't have Disney+ so I don't know if that episode is available, but I would understand if they pulled it,

Comment Re:You can't prove a negative (Score 1) 219

It's easy to prove the non existence of a god, give me a full description of that god and I can show you why it doesn't exist. You can't however prove that no gods exist. For example, if you say "The god described in the bible is real, everything in the bible is true" then simply showing that the world was created billions of years ago and that fish plants and animal life evolved at different times over more than a week invalidates that god.

Comment Re: difference between can , may, and must (Score 1) 219

"But I'd guess that most examples of this are selection bias; " Yup, that and most people's basic interactions are pretty easy to predict. You keep saving pictures of dogs labelled "me and fluffy down the park", do a few searches for the relative merits of dog food, send a few emails and texts about your dog, post some pictures up on facebook, IG, snapywhatever. Somewhere an algo has marked you as a dog owner. You'll get some dog food ads. Do a search for holidays and you'll get adverts for kennels. Humans think they're special and unique, but they are easy to predict at mass levels. You don't even need to be that accurate, the population is large enough that million to one chance occurrences will happen a few hundred times a day.

Comment Re:Extinction Rebellion... (Score 1) 117

Yup , also the right know they've lost the fight to say that global climate change isn't real. They want to carry on so this is their new tactic like they did with Greta Thunberg. Some useful idiots then join in the pile on because they think using someone else's snark makes up for their inadequacies.

Comment Re: Extinction Rebellion... (Score 1) 117

When did "having a delay on your holiday" turn into "threatening your life and the lives of those you love?". If they are successful and reduce the effects of global climate change they may be saving the lives of those you love. Some of the snowflakes now equating not flying in a cramped metal tube to being killed?

Comment Re:Wrong Title/Cringley Says Broadcasters going 5G (Score 1) 171

Absolutely wrong in every way. Just as the democratisation of music production has removed and destroyed all power from the music industry and put it back in the hands of performers, 5g and user created content will remove any need for major broadcasting companies.

Sorry, what was that? They did what? So the artist gets a big cut of that right? Oh bugger.

Sorry looks like that never happened. Yeah you're right they'll be around for a long time to come, they just might evolve into something else.

Comment Re:Terms (Score 1) 441

Perhaps a better way to say this is that a given UFO has a low probability of being little green men but that is also true of the probability of a given object being a pencil. It makes no sense to apply a higher or lower burden of proof for establishing either claim.

OK the difference is that we have evidence for the existence of pencils. I have a pot with many pencils in. I see pencils in shops. I can, with all certainty, say that pencils exist. We can also say they are present on this planet. We don't have a scrap of evidence that extraterrestrials exist, we certainly don't have evidence that any have visited this planet. If I know an object exist within the confines of this planet, saying it could be a pencil and saying it could be an extraterrestrial have vastly different worth. There is a much higher burden on the latter as you have to show that extraterrestrials could be a possibility first, we don't need to prove that it's possible that pencils exist.

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