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Comment Re:I patched my tape library, that changed (Score 2) 53

You can't just compare the number of vulnerabilities. You have to look at how critical they were. You have to look at what components they were in. For example, does Windows include IE? I'm sure your iOS and OS X numbers include Safari. For Linux, is this just the kernel, a distro or all distros?

Comment Re: Tabs vs Spaces (Score 4, Insightful) 428

Funny, I feel the exact opposite. The FreeBSD style(9) documentation suggests tabs because they can be customized to individual developers needs and they minimize weird diffs on the version control systems.

I take language and platform into account. For HTML and JavaScript, I prefer spaces. For Java, Perl, C#, CSS, C, and C++ tabs. If there is a crazy IDE required, I often prefer spaces because many of them default to some level of spaces and I like the quick code cleanup command to work the same for the whole team.

The real issue with that question is that it's impossible to answer. Even if you get a "spaces" person, try to get them to agree on the number of spaces. A coworker loves 2 spaces which is flat out wrong to me. Too hard to read. I've met people into 3 or 4 spaces. Then you get into where to put curly braces, etc.

Whatever you choose, it should be a standard for code whether at an open source project or a company.

I can't stand everyone using their own style. It's much worse than having to use a specific one.

Comment Re:That's impossible (Score 1) 317

IE11 will also remain in Windows 10, with good ole' MSHTML.DLL and all that other cruft that developers (and parts of Windows itself) have been taking hard dependencies on for 15+ years. It will receive security updates, performance improvements and so on, but it will not be updated at the pace of Spartan.

Maybe shipping two browsers with the OS will upset some people, but this should actually work out pretty nicely.

Apple fan boys should be out in force. Apple already does this. You can use the fast version of webkit aka Safari on iOS or you can use any third party app with a slow substandard browser experience.

Comment Re:But if you look at unemployment... EEs beat CS (Score 1, Flamebait) 154

I have the opposite opinion. I have interviewed quite a few EE and CS people for programming jobs. I currently work at a university and while the EE people seem proficient in their favorite language, they don't know anything about design patterns. Trying to get one of them to use a MVC framework is hard enough, but to actually understand what is going on is impossible.

Quite a few of them have limited database experience and they don't know how to use any ORMs either.

No thanks.

Comment What not to use (Score 1) 267

While I think that most of the posts to use FreeBSD or PC-BSD are spot on, I think I should cover what you shouldn't use in the BSD world due to your requirements.

My own os, MidnightBSD, does not have virtualbox. The nvidia binary drivers work from FreeBSD on it, but that won't be the case forever.
MirBSD wouldn't support at lot of the software you mentioned and doesn't have recent java support for minecraft.
OpenBSD might work, but you would have to check on a few packages.
NetBSD is probably your next best bet after FreeBSD due to the wide variety of packages.
DragonFly is weak on packages, although they're working on it.

FreeBSD does offer disk encryption. Note if you use encrypted swap, there is a massive performance hit. I used to have this a default in MidnightBSD up to 0.4 and it was not a pretty picture on server hardware. Sometimes you'd get panics if there was too much swap pressure with it.

Comment Re:Lovin' that smell of BIAS (Score 1) 226

The problem with a bootcamp is that it doesn't teach theory. You get a good jumpstart on current tech, but if that person doesn't keep learning they won't stay current and in ten years won't have a job anymore.

People who take shortcuts often aren't willing to put the time in later to keep learning.

You get two things out of a CS program in college:
1. You learn how to learn new things including languages quickly.
2. You learn theory so that you understand how to write efficient, reliable and maintainable code.

You don't have to know big O notation to understand that a nested for loop is less performant than a hash lookup, but I guarantee these boot camps don't teach that.

I started as a self taught programmer and then went to college later. There was a LOT of value in doing that.

Comment Re:One of the worst points about systemd (Score 2) 522

> Seriously, what do people want? That nothing must be using Linux specific kernel features ever, because that is unfair to other OS's?

No, what we want is for systemd to not be forced on us as a way to destroy any chance of running a graphical environment in the future. Wayland compositors, GNOME and various other things are starting to require systemd. That is why everyone is upset. Linux users may also not like systemd and that is another issue.

The forced nature of systemd means that every linux distro must switch and that *BSD people may have to fork X or wayland (if it takes off) in the future in order to have a damn GUI.

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