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Comment Re:Fallout (Score 1) 49

I was the right age when the film first came out in the 70s but lacked interest or the right kind of pocket money, so I never went to see it.

At university, die-hard fansd couldn't believe i'd never seen it so invited me to a VHS all-nighter, but I couldn't stay awake.

Still not sure what accounts for the continuing appeal of a kids' fairytale movie, other than extremely competent marketing.

Comment Re:Analog hole (Score 1) 109

you'd need a display that has a couple bits more colour depth than the image sensor in question, and as far as I understand those displays don't exist. High-end Camera sensors now offer 12, 14 or even 16 bits per channel, that is way more than you can expect from any display technology we have, or likely will get, because (other than this application of spoofing image signatures) this kind of technology would be useless and expensive. That said, the technology would only be credible if the audit trail of CA-signed signatures extends right to the sensor chip, and furthermore is of course Free and open-source.

Comment Re:Irrational objections (Score 1) 90

do these battery-swapping vehicles still allow home charging? that kinda doesn't work: either you _own_ the battery and factor in the depreciation of your battery with use, or you _rent_ a battery (effectively the one that first comes with the car is just a "deposit" you pay) and the service provider sells you a number of Watt-hours but has a markup for battery wear. Doing both is problematic

Taiwan has a system like this for scooters, but the swapping is done manually so it's easier. Also Taiwan is less crime-infested than most places, here in UK systems like this would be ruined quickly by scumbags who abuse and vandalise it.

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