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Comment Re:Competition? (Score 1) 426

Tesla chooses to not use dealers.

Tesla can sell in all 50 states directly should they accept that they must sale to dealers rather than direct. It's not even hard, there would certainly be dealers that would love to do so.

Tesla wants to be like Apple though. They want to control the experience and price completely, and are unwilling to sacrifice that in order to sell in more locations.

And let's be realistic, anyone willing to buy a Tesla today is willing to deal with the hassle of not having a local/in state dealer. It's not like they aren't backordered for years. Tesla loses nothing by holding out in this case.

Comment Re:Renewable energy ist cheaper! (Score 1, Interesting) 166

"ignore the production costs" - what exactly do you think you're paying for when you buy renewables equipment ?

Items that had their sales cost lowered by subsudies.

"ignore the environmental cost of the equipment" - the energy paybacks on all renewables techs are now very low.

Only because you ignore the environmental impact you shipped off to some poor nation.

In the long run, renewable is pretty much our ONLY choice, but lets not be fucking retarded and pretend they are the only choice for the immediate future. Theres a big picture to look at, not just your own agenda on how you want things to be.

Nuclear IS the right thing to use NOW. Solar and Wind hopefully in the near future, when we are more proficient with them. The physical foot print of these methods are currently untenable. Its not that they are eye sores, its that they will change their environment DRASTICALLY when implemented, so we have to implement them in a well thought out and efficient manner, engineering our climate by using their installation for more than JUST energy production.

The only real problem nuclear has is paranoid nut jobs acting like the world comes to an end over a minor incident. Fukushima WAS A MINOR ACCIDENT with practically ZERO consequence, regardless of how bad you want to blow it out of proportion. There has been more radiation spread from the energy (generated from coal) used to power the Internet based discussion about it than Fukushima itself released, its fucking ridiculous to treat it any differently. Yet you are.

Fukushima was a cluster fuck of preventable accidents and heads should roll for what happened when the plant survived the actual disaster only to succumbed to being unprepared for something that could have happened even WITHOUT a tsunami. We should bust our asses to ensure those faults do not happen again, but we should not run off on some ignorant tangent about using some other inferior (today) energy production method because people are afraid due to ignorance.

Nuclear can be MUCH safer, but retarded fear won't let anyone replace plants that are of known inferior designs with once that mitigate the problems passively. Everytime we see something like this happen, its to a plant that we should have decommission or in this case WAS about to be decommissioned in favor of a newer design.

You mention the very solution to the problem, then go off to stick your head in the sand out of fear that you don't understand it. You're going to have to deal with it eventually, how many disasters is it going to take before you finally realize that hiding from something you have to learn is the right idea?

Comment Re:No (Score 5, Insightful) 437

Apart from Apple fanboys, I don't think anybody is stupid enough to buy a new device just to get a software upgrade.

Then you are in denial, naive or just plain stupid. I work at a phone company that also happens to sell mobile phones, I assure you, plenty of people say they would buy a new phone just for a new version of the OS.

The real question is WHY SHOULD I UPGRADE to the next version. Apple spews new features all over in press info and even TV commercials. You don't have to go looking for it, they tell you.

Android on the other hand uses silly code names so it takes normal (i.e. non-fanboys) a long time before they even know WTF lollipop is, and the real kicker is ... unless you go digging, no one anywhere has given any reason WHY you would want to bother upgrading. The people rushing to upgrade to lollipop are the same ones that run beta OS releases, and thats why it has an non-existent user base. No one else cares.

Comment Re:Conform or be expelled (Score 1) 320

but that is presented to the buyer at closing to sign in a 3 inch stack of paper with hundreds of "initial here" and "Sign here" stickers and who has time to actually understand all that mess?

The most expensive and important purchase in your life ... and you sign your name without bothering to read it? Seriously?

Dumbass, thats your own fault.

Comment Re:Speaking of Radio Shack (Score 2) 61

... I buy arduino stuff from RadioShack all the time, they stock a variety of shields and arduino units. Generally handy when I burn up a board and don't want to wait for a mail order replacement.

A far amount of generic basic components as well. Of course they never have the power FETs or triacs I want, but not that many people are trying to build custom ECUs or high powered light controllers either

Comment Re:Not expensive for an audiophile device (Score 2) 391

I don't think even 'audiophiles' that think they can tell the difference between 128kbs and 320kbs MP3s on their PC speaker are that stupid ... their are already phones with 'premium' sound that do everything this does.

Hell, it probably runs android too, meaning its EXACTLY like the premium phones ... except without the phone part.

Oh and they can't subsidize it on your phone contract either.

Comment Re:As a former scientist: (Score 0) 287

Let me guess, you don't do anything related to research in space, which explains why you don't see or understand the benefit of having a person in space versus a machine.

Reality: IF our species wants a chance at long term survival, we MUST leave this rock. Its not optional, its required.

The ISS is more about learning to live in space than anything else. You can't learn to live in space if a robot is doing it for you. The research done on ISS is secondary, and still much of it can not be easily done by current generations of automation, yet SOME of it done by humans leads to more advanced automation. You want to put the cart before the horse.

And for reference, we do put autonomous systems in orbit, we do build radio telescopes, we are working on plans to put them in space, we do send many probes to other planets and moons, do you just not pay attention or do you ignore all these things just because you're upset that you didn't get a large enough budget?

Comment Re:Uber's in a completely different market (Score 1) 183

Well a). You won't stop doing stuff even if you don't use taxis, but nice threat on slash dot, I'm sure everyone here cares.

B) did I mention that no one cares or will notice when you stop?

Your just going to stay home? Walk? Drive? What did you do before uber? The world hasn't changed irrevocably because you've used uber the last couple of years ... Has it?

Comment Re:excellent (Score 1) 226

I assume they're already fairly well optimized

You assume wrong. glibc is pretty poorly optimized in reality for most things. It works on god knows how many systems and is generally consistent, but optimization is not its strong point.

If speed is your concern and you have a choice between Linux with glibc and commercial OS, you pick the commercial OS and its libraries almost every time. I can't actually think of a case where this doesn't apply.

It could be a lot worse, but its certainly not as fast as it could be just about any where. I'm fairly certain that the point is not raw speed though.

Comment XMPP (Score 5, Insightful) 29

Seriously, stop using proprietary carpware.

Its one thing when proprietary offers you some benefit, but when it comes to IM, using anything other than XMPP from someone who supports federation is just as retarded as using email from someone who doesn't do proper SMTP.

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