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Comment Re:Spare Change (Score 4, Insightful) 320

That may be true in some countries, but not in America.

In America you have to actively refuse help in order to be in continual pain or homeless.

I HAVE been poor, there is no excuse for hunger or suffering in the US, there are programs to help.

The problem is not that they are poor, its that they don't want to be helped, the reason for this could be any number of things from simple depression to severe mental disorders, but it IS NOT because help is unavailable.

A severe tooth abscess can be handled by the ER if its that bad and no publicly funded ER will turn down you down, its illegal. I know, I've been in EXACTLY that spot. And for reference, alcohol does pretty much nothing at all for tooth pain, you're far better off packing clove powder around it to numb it and treat the infection than drinking yourself silly, unless you drink enough to pass out ... in which case you have to stay drunk or the sobering up process will be FAR worse.

Comment Re:What a shame (Score 1) 272

If you think about the tech from the time, you'd realize they were shitty.

Battery life ... would have been crappy
Display tech ... would have been crappy
Touch screen ... would have been crappy, resistive touch if at all
Processing power ... would have been crappy
GUI hardware acceleration ... would have been nonexistent from a practical perspective.
Connectivity ... bad wifi or ridiculously over priced cellular modems that killed the batteries even faster.

As soon as the non-techie guys in the company saw it, though would have canceled it in a heart beat, it would have been an embarrassment ... much like pretty much EVERY tablet before the iPhone/iPad era. Android may be fine now, but before they iPhone, pretty much every mobile device was asstastic. A few die-hard geeks (myself included) had things like old high end nokia smartphones or windows ce devices, but they were entirely the realm of high end geeks who would put up with the quirks

Comment Re:Open source was never safer (Score 0) 582

You do realize that encryption is security through obscurity ... right? ActiveX is just a plugin system, just like XPCOM in firefox, but you know that too ... right?

Please don't quote shit that you utterly fail to understand. The only part you got right was that IE was buggy as shit. Of course, so is Firefox, but you ignore all the security fixes it has gotten. The only thing is does better, and that Microsoft sucks at is time to fix, which while extremely important, is only part of the equation.

+5 insightful ... the ignorance runs deep here.

Comment Re:Anonymous (Score 1) 171

as long as you don't share anything reveling.

So its pretty much useless then? I realize the point of what its doing, but its fairly trivial with software running at or near exit nodes to figure out who's doing what and who they are. I have no doubt the NSA is capable of doing it. Put me in an IRC channel with 20 people I know and have chatted with for some time, randomize their nicks, give me an hour and I can tell you who most of them are based on their conversation patterns alone, and I'm just observant, not software combing EVERYTHING you do.

Doesn't mean you shouldn't try to be anonymous, but just that its PRETTY FRAKING HARD to do if you're doing it in public view, regardless of how hard you try to hide.

Comment Re:Medical Device Certification? (Score 1) 91

Because the insurance industry won't allow it.

Obamacare is nothing more than a free ride and bonuses for the insurance industry. It brought them more customers at higher rates than they had before. EVERYTHING about Obamacare favors insurance companies.

There is no way thats going to end without a massive shift in public perception. As long as people keep thinking Obamacare is a good idea, the insurance companies win.

Comment Re:Wanna give up on these guys yet ? (Score 1) 575

Where do you get imap mail that doesn't offer some form of webmail? Even Exchange does.

Second, ruling out the most common user errors/issues is the FIRST thing you do. Other applications generally give different styles of error messages in their rejections, allowing you perhaps to figure it out easier.

When you hear hooves stampeding in America ... you look for horses, not zebras.

I hope you don't do desktop support or consider yourself a good debugger, you seem to have no experience.

Comment Re:Happy.. Happy.. Joy.. Joy.. (Score 1) 78

Why would it piss the government off? All it does is distract you from what they are doing while you dance around like you've scored some big win.

Its no different than Obamas' peace prize. Its stupid and shows just how much of a sheep people like you are.

Yay! Prizes for everyone ... even thought they haven't done anything.

Congratulations, you're EXACTLY the kind of person that causes these sort of problems to go so long without anything being done about it because you're more concerned with a pat on the back than resolving the issue.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 78

No he doesn't. Nothing he did promoted any values associated with any current Nobel prizes. Perhaps you should learn what the Nobel prizes are about rather than just spewing 'give him an award' first. You can certainly argue that he deserves recognition if you want, but the Nobel prizes aren't things that just get thrown around ...

On that same note, nothing the Guardian nor WaPo did in this case makes them worthy of a Pulitzer. Someone else did all the work for them.

Oh shit, nevermind, I forgot that getting a Nobel prize now days is pretty meaningless, hence Obama has one, it just goes to show how meaningless they are with Barak Bush Jr getting one before he ... did the same thing as the guy everyone hated, but more so, exactly the opposite of what he said he was going to do.

No, I don't even approve of how Snowden went about doing what he did, but a Nobel prize is just insulting at this stage. (I do approve letting the American public know the NSA was spying on its own people, full stop)

Comment Re:memset() is bad? (Score 1) 171

That and memset in windows doesn't zero by default, as an optimization, until the page is hit (or some such pattern that I don't fully recall)

Theres a specific kernel API for zeroing memory because memset, even if called, may choose not to do anything. ZeroMemory is the generic way, SecureZeroMemory removes the 'option' to actually do the zeroing from the kernel and always does it.

Using memset to scrub memory on Windows, then not doing anything with it that requires the memory to actually be in active use ... the memory will never be written too.

Comment Re:A triumph for FOSS (Score 1) 171

Yes ... you can meta-audit ... how's OpenSSL working for you?

Open source is only useful if someone looks AND has the skills to understand it.

Just being open source doesn't mean dick and you fanboys really should get that through your head. You all stand around waxing on about how 'many eyes' see it ... assuming SOMEONE ELSE is looking ... and no one actually is because ... because ... 'its open source! anyone can look!!@$!@%!@%&'

When are you guys going to actually come back to reality. OSS is great for many reasons, but that doesn't magically make it better than any particular piece of non-OSS. Stop pretending it does.

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