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Comment Re:Not a failure (Score 1) 35

The goal was to complete the challenge. They ALL failed. It was a failure, this isn't debatable.

That doesn't mean nothing was gained, many things were learned certainly, but it was still a failure of its goal.

In my opinion it was a massive failure because pretty much none of those robots could adapt to an unexpected task (getting up) at all, and it's pretty much impossible that no one knew their bot would fall down.

Every contestant was pitifully unprepared, so EPIC FAIL if you ask me.

Comment Re:iTunes never cared about directories so why tag (Score 2) 360

iTunes will leave the songs where they are OR will organize them into artist/album/song.ext for you if you choose. Those are two little checkboxes in the preferences, pretty sure the default is to move them into your iTunes library structure and organize them.

You have to have a seriously messed up configuration before it just dumps them into the same directory. I have experienced what you're referring to but I also do a bunch of weird crap with an AFP on a FBSD box using a ZFS store for it all, so I have a seriously messed up configuration :)

Comment Re:Looking to move off of iTunes (Score 1) 360

Or you could just not use the service that's been available for years already and you've not been using.

What the summary is referring to is NOT iTunes Music, it is iTunes Match, which is not even a little new. iTunes Music includes iTunes Match for free.

So why do you suddenly switch from iTunes because you don't like a service thats been out for years and you don't use, but just now discovered does something you don't like?

$10 says you don't use iTunes anyway and are just trolling.

Either way you're a douche

Comment Re:Apple = Buggy (Score 2) 360

I'm not even using Apple Music and the update wiped out all the music on my iPhone.

Didn't seem to effect millions of other people. Did it ever occur to you that maybe you made a mistake somewhere in the process? Lets assume its Apple's fault ... so one ... out of millions broke ... and if it happened to anyone else, would you still feel the same way? I doubt it.

so I can't even synch it back on.

... And you weren't smart enough to have backups? Who's fault is that exactly? Your ID is lower than mine, that puts you in the 90s somewhere for signing up with slashdot ... and you still don't know to make backups? With that said, I can safely assume your first complaint is also an error on your part.

Apple's quality has really dropped the last couple of years.

Everyone's allowed to have their own subjective opinion, doesn't make yours anymore true.

Comment Re:Indeed (Score 1) 385

Yes, we get the picture. You are a SJW who can't cope with the world being full of assholes and think you can change it. Because of that, you're confident that you are 100% correct and everyone who disagrees with you is an evil asshole.

I say this not knowing who you are or very little about GamerGate because the whole thing is fucking stupid. Same shit happens to males too, you just don't pay attention and don't care so you're ignorant of it.

Your argument has nothing to do with social justice or ethics in gaming, you're just ranting about your perceived slighting of others.

The only difference between men and women here is that ... no, no real difference, just a few loud mouth blowhards who think they have to save the world from itself when they can't even cope with it themselves.

Comment Re:Competent Authorities (Score 1) 146

Assange is a hypocrite that lets his personal agenda and politics determine what he releases.

If you can't understand why that matters you really can't be part of the conversation, sorry. You need to learn to think for yourself, critically.

But riddle me this, what does his work have to do with the fact that he's a criminal? He's a criminal with or without his work. When you look at his 'work' and notice he does the same lying bullshit to manipulate reality. He modifies what he release to show parts that promote his agenda and leaves out context which shows that what he presents is nothing like he claims.

You trust a man that lies about EVERYTHING HE DOES to provide you with all the facts about how others are lying? Idiotic

Comment Re:Hillary Clinton says: (Score -1, Flamebait) 271

Then you lack a moral compass and need t get some help.

I'm suggesting that when you know the fucker is guilty, you put his ass in jail, not defend him.

Apparently you think its Ok for someone to keep their job/career at the cost of someone else getting raped.


I know the argument you're trying to make and its bullshit. She made her choice, no one else. This bullshit about lawyers representing clearly guilty clients because 'its what we do' is ... well, bullshit.

This is exactly why there is absolutely nothing wrong with a boat full of lawyers being at the bottom of the ocean.

Comment Competent Authorities (Score 0, Flamebait) 146

and that it is in fact not a request for asylum per se; instead, they assert, the letter merely expresses Assange's "willingness 'to be hosted in France if and only if an initiative was taken by the competent authorities.'

First off, thats a request even if you continue your typical bullshit lying Assange.

Second, I'm 100% certain he doesn't want competent authorities involved, if they are, he's fucked,

The only reason he's not in jail in Sweden already is because Ecuador feels like trying to be a dick to the US.

He's been utterly destroy. He's shown his true colors. He's shown wikileaks is about his ego, not truth. He's shown he thinks he's above the law and that he thinks EVERYONE else is corrupt and out to get him. He has no friends and his only followers are those to stupid to recognize his bullshit and college kids who think they have to fight everyone else battles for them even when they have no fucking clue what they're doing it for.

At some point, Ecuador is going to get tired of him, after which, someone is going to put him in jail.

The only thing that shocks me so far is that Sweden has a statute of limitations that doesn't take into account that the accused is running from the law. Its one thing to timeout on things when you have no idea who you're looking for ... but they know who and where he is.

He's a douche, so much a douche that even France thinks he's a douche. How sad do you have to be when even France doesn't capitulate?

Comment Re:Penalty for obvious false claims (Score 1) 97

There is. All you have to do is file a take down notice about the take down notice. At which point, Youtube can put it back up until a court actually rules on the issue.

To date, the courts have not been kind when someone actually stood up and challenged bullshit DMCA requests.

Comment Re:what? (Score 1) 37

The terminology being used is intentionally misleading.

The way its being said, most people who aren't that interested think its one single continuous flight, which is impressive.

There really isn't anything particularly impressive about this once you take that out of the equation.

Voyager was impressive. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...

IT actually DID fly around the world without stopping, and it did the entire flight in 9 days, and they didn't stop to take breaks to avoid weather, they flew AROUND a Typhoon FFS.

This solar powered aircraft is more like a training run for one someone actually wants to do it properly.

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