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Comment Re:No retraining costs the other way? (Score 1) 579

since Microsoft products make major UI changes between versions that require just as much training.

The only Major change since Office 98 was Office 2007, and most users picked it up naturally. Only cranky old 'get off my lawn' users really had a problem with it. Power users using keyboard shortcuts didn't notice.

Windows Vista was a bit of a shocker, and as such, we skipped for that any various other reasons.

And I'm guessing you're implying that Linux apps aren't restructured just for the sake of restructuring them ... at which point I'd have to say you've either never used Linux or are intentionally lying out your ass.

Comment Re:Why not google docs? (Score 4, Informative) 579

The paid version has the server in our control, maintained by us.

There is no version of Google Apps that is hosted on customer premise. Your company does not control the servers.

Google only updates the executables and server side stuff

They update whatever they want, its not on your servers. Your admins can select various options regarding what you see and how it feels and when you get new versions of the software, but its all in a Google data center somewhere.

they dont get to see any data or anything.

Google can read all your documents and email in the blink of an eye if its on Google Apps.

The authentication server somehow switches from to $ somehow.

Just because your domain is attached to it, doesn't mean you're hosting it. Anyone can do this, even in the free version of Google Apps for Domains. $ is DNS CNAME to Go ahead, look for yourself.

Our company legal is quite sharp. They really would not like our documents outside our control.

Reality would disagree with those statements on both accounts.

But given the response we get from Google for down times and tech support questions it is likely to be between 50$ to 100$ per seat per year.

Its $50/year, same as everyone else who pays for Google Apps for Enterprises, unless you've negotiated a lower rate.

Comment Re:Surprise? (Score 5, Insightful) 579

but figured that the city would prefer to save money

If you spend more than 2 days total over the course of an employees time at a company to convert them from MS Windows and Office to Linux you've lost money, even on the lowest paid employee you have.

Contrary to what you think, the cost of Windows and Office licenses are nothing as far as cost of doing business.

Comment Re:How many years could he be charged with? (Score 1, Insightful) 299


If he was going to be shipped to the US, England would have done it in the time they had the opportunity to do so well before he went into the embassy. You do realize there was plenty of time to do so right? No, oh thats right, you're just ignoring reality and using the tiny bits of silly things that you want to use to put assange on some silly pedestal.

If you really believe that he's afraid of Sweden shipping him to the US, you're an ignorant moron.

Comment Re:How many years could he be charged with? (Score 2, Insightful) 299

'nudge nudge' 'wink wink' would have simply put a bullet in his head over 2 years ago if they wanted to. The only person who cares about what Assange says at this point is himself. No intelligent person gives a shit what he says anymore, he's proven repeatedly that he's nothing more than an attention whore who twists things to promote his own personal agenda.

Comment Re:Very subjective (Score 1, Insightful) 382

You've just described the teaching methods of the world's most popular religions, so I guess all those folks are out.

sigh, you do realize you're an anti-religious troll right? The worlds religions aren't the issue, extremists are, extremists don't need religion to be extremists, its just a convenient twist on the work done by someone else for their own personal gain.

Which is essentially what you're doing, recognizing that you don't appear to be an extremist, but you're still just warping what someone else did to fit your own silly agenda.

Comment Re:Not much of a fix (Score 2) 101


However, there are millions of admins of varying skill levels. ICANN is a small organization with individuals paid far more than they deserve that are supposed to know not only who these things work, how they are intended to work, how they are expected to work and how they are used in the real world.

ICANNs job is to take shitty admins into account when they do these things. Defacto standards can not be ignored, things like .mail are one of them, regardless of how stupid it was for someone to use them.

Comment Re:Not much of a fix (Score 2) 101

I can't actually figure out any setup where this will fix something without the admins of the network in question already knowing about the problem, obviating the need for this crappy hack in the first place.

I finally figured out the actual, though retarded, purpose.

You set up modified name servers, existing software doesn't do it .... When you query corp.mail (for example) and you have it internally, YOUR name server also checks for an external one in public DNS ... And then your resolver fucks EVERYTHING. Up by returning a local host address if there is both internal and external names, ignoring the problems that's going to cause in and of itself by returning loopback addressing.

This is absolutely retarded.

I can not possibly imagine a situation where this helps an admin. Anyone setting their network up to detect the issue is going to just RESOLVE (pun intended) the issue directly.

Comment Not much of a fix (Score 5, Insightful) 101

So the solution here is that when someone looks up a domain that isn't registered, but uses a TLD that could be ... its going to resolve to a ... and thats magically better than not resolving to a different site ... okay, but not by very much.

Second, they're going to postpone some TLDs that are 'popular' on private networks ... WHAT THE FUCK made you create these new TLDs in the first place? Did you just pull some TLDs out of your ass and say 'great plan' and only AFTER saying you would create them start to think about the impact?

What the hell kind of setup does this actually affect anyway? So you lookup an internal name only after you get an NXDOMAIN from a root server or something? I've not been a sysadmin/netadmin by profession in a few years, but in all the networks I manage (home, small office) we lookup names internally FIRST and if it doesn't exist internally, THEN it goes external, and the internal servers are AWARE of the location of servers for all internal names. If my internal servers aren't aware that corp.mail exists on server then how the hell are they ever going to resolve it?

Pardon my out of date ignorance, but this really sounds pretty silly and adding a bunch of false resolves when there should be nothing more than an NXDOMAIN.

And for the record, most of these new TLDs are just stupid and never should exist. Either make it a free for all and get it over with with a few names reserved for internal use, or stop adding new TLDs willy nilly.

I'm shocked they didn't go ahead and add a .local TLD just to really fuck it up.

Comment Re:No, you don't need AV, even on Windows (Score 1) 331

All software can be decompiled so your 'freedom' is never really impinged. The likely hood that Linus himself has the knowledge of something like Gnome or KDE to ensure it has no backdoors, trojans or viruses attached to the C source is pretty much exactly 0.

Yes, he is capable of it, but he doesn't have the time to learn the system well enough to spot clearly obvious problem code, let alone spot an even mildly obsfucated block of code, or one that was really well hidden. The number of people that can do so, and ARE doing so is so small, its no different from closed source.

Now tell me what good the source is to all those people that don't have the ability at all to read it, let alone understand it, and forget about the time it takes to do so.

Its a good thing, but only in the most superficial way and pointless way.

Comment Re: No, you don't need AV, even on Windows (Score 1) 331

Okay, so you use a shitty email client, then ignore that browsers (all of them) have had drive by download bugs and pretend you're immune to the problem.

The HOSTS file 'solution' you implement only helps for known hosts. You don't know them all regardless of how arrogant you are.

Judging by your act, I find it highly suspect that anyone would call an asshole such as yourself to ask for help with their 'infections'.

You're whole post wreaks of arrogance and talking out your shithole.

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