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Comment Re:Macintosh Firsts (Score 1) 135

A standardized multimedia framework (QuickTime, the container format for which is the basis for the MP4 container format)

If I had a nickel for every time Microsoft changed it's video player platform nomenclature/technology, I could fill the end of a tube sock and beat a beaver to death.

Comment Re:Cheap enough (Score 1) 135

Windows is significantly better than it used to be, Windows 7 was my fav until 10 came along. But the performance degradation is Windows was a real thing, especially if you had a lot of apps and/or switched out apps on a regular basis. Registry Cleaners were a necessary evil. Meanwhile, my 2010 iMac only recently died because a power failure killed the PSU or I'd still be using the damn thing. And the only reason to reinstall the OS was because I put a 250G SSD in as a primary drive and a spinning 4T for storage.

Comment Re: Irony (Score 1) 135

I miss all that so much. I has customized sounds all over the place on my PowerPC Macs. I guess as with our phones being silent nearly 100% of the time, we just moved past the novelty. But I would dearly love to have my dual monitor 2022 Mac mini boot up with the Lexx theme song once again.

Comment Re: Irony (Score 1) 135

I never heard of auto eject failing in except in truly ancient drives (20-30 years old) that need to be lubricated and fixed up anyway.

As someone who had to fight on a nearly daily basis with corrupted data and failed floppies on the PC desktops in one of my old military units, I can count the number of times I had a real issue with a Mac floppy on one hand. To say nothing of the number of boot sector worms that constantly cross pollinated from personal/school PCs to the work PCs. The same brand 3.5" disks that lasted for years under constant use on my Mac Classic II got chewed up in a matter of days when regularly used on the PCs I had to work with in the unit. To be fair, they may just have been trash PCs, but the failure rate was very high regardless. I often wondered if it was because on the PC you could just stab that eject button with as much force as you wanted to.

Comment Re:It's what some GG people SAY it's about (Score 1) 474

Repeating the lie does not make it true. The "positive press" is non-existent. As as per the standard already set, you are disturbingly knowledgeable about a specific incident that in the grand scheme of things amount to absolutely nothing. Even if it was true that Quinn got "positive press" for sexual favours (it isn't, not even remotely), she got positive press for a game that is little more than an HTML script, has no advertising budget to speak of and will never, ever make anyone a comfortable living, much less rich. Zoe Quinn's sex life is no one's business. That her jilted lover made it a topic of conversation is the actual scandal, not that people have sex and break hearts in the process. The claims made by GamerGate types that even the jilted lover had to clarify he did not make are simply in no uncertain terms false. That the overwhelming majority of the targets of self identifying GamerGate types are women who in almost all cases are absolutely and utterly irrelevant with regards to "ethics in gaming journalism" is the tell here, and everyone is aware of the lie except aforementioned GamerGate types.

Comment Re: THIS is the kind of thing that GamerGate is a (Score 1) 474

the fact that Zoe Quinn is scum either way- it's Zoe's own actions that have created that reality and no one elses.

Except for the fact that, you know, this wasn't anyone's actual business until a jilted lover spilled his guts in a public display of broken heartedness. But sure, she's entirely responsible.

Comment Re:January 29, 2013. The day /. officially died. (Score 2) 501

Shut up for Odin's sake. If we had a nickel for every moron that believed every mundane news article about Company A meant subby was in the pocket of Company A, we could package all you twits up in a rocket and shoot you to the Moon. Apple is the biggest deal in tech right now. Does that offend you? Move to Botswana.

Comment Please Stop (Score 0) 333

Wozniak had his ay in the sun. His accomplishments are a matter of the historical record of computing. But let's stop pretending Woz has any particularly useful insight into today's Apple. Woz has not had a hand in aching remotely to with Apple in over 30 years. He's good for quote, which is in turn good or hits, but the way the tech press continues to hang on his every word regarding Apple has more to do with a web based traffic model than anything he says being particularly insightful.

Comment Re:APPLE STILL MAKES 90% OF SMARTPHONE CASH !! (Score 1) 601

Let me explain this to you so it's easy to grasp. You make a thing, you set a price that allows you to recoup costs and make a product, and you put it on the market. Your thing either sells or it doesn't. If it doesn't sell, you either change the product, change your price, or kill it. If your thing sells at the price you set, you make money and stay in business. If your thing sells well, or sells at a rate that makes it difficult for you to fill demand, FOR A FACT, your device is not overpriced. Feel free to proceed to reference Apple's VooDoo marketing and brainwashed Apple zealots or whatever other standard tropes you employ to allow you to refuse to accept that Apple is really good at this "capitalism" thing.

Comment Re:Suck it! (Score -1) 601

Suck on what? The low end Android little-better-than-feature phones that will be swelling the landfills, or the inability of this market share to translate into a meaningful profit for anyone but the Apple copycat Samsung? Help us out here. Because if anyone out there think Android's market share success is analogous to Microsoft's Windows market share, you are sadly mistaken.

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