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Comment Re:Bad idea (Score 1) 671

"allegedly" violating it - he has not been convicted yet, and the presumption of innocence should prevail. We don't know if a jury would find sufficient cause, given the circumstances and the illegal acts that were being covered up, to find sufficient justification.

Kind of like "yes, I went through the red light, but I was carrying someone who had been shot and was bleeding profusely to the hospital as quickly as I could."

There's a problem here which Snowden has also voiced: In a "trial" of this nature justification isn't allowed as a defense. This is talked about in Citizen Four.

Comment Re:Buy some suntain lotion (Score 2) 230

Actually, this isn't too far from the truth. I've heard of a few cases where simply changing the URL has brought up documents that should be private and the person who reported it was brought up on charges for "hacking". Unfortunately, the public does not understand the difference between simply poking around and trying to mess up someone's system for nefarious reasons. Perhaps someone here on /. will remember the particular cases involved but as sad as it sounds, you are on a shaky legal foundation.

I thought of one particular case as soon as I read the summary:
Aernheimer was charged under the CFAA for exposing a similar problem with AT&T's website.

Comment Re: About right (Score 1) 246

Boy, 10, dies after his brother accidentally shoots him in the head with a BB gun at close range: http://www.gloucestershireecho... BB gun accident takes life of a 20-year old boy:

You can surely find a lot more googling a little. I also recommend taking a look at Google image-search. The thing is, if you shoot someone in the head with a BB-gun there actually is quite a risk of bodily harm (torn eyes etc.) and loss of life. They're unlikely to kill you if you fire them somewhere other than the head, but they certainly are dangerous items and they can still cause damage to internal organs, depending where the shot lands and its angle. I have a BB-gun that's capable of easily piercing an aluminum can and I certainly wouldn't want to be on the wrong end of the barrel.

Just about anything can be used in some way to kill a person. That doesn't make everything a deadly weapon. I think "deadly weapon" ought to be redefined as something that it's actually practical to use to kill a person. Otherwise, we may as well criminalize butter knives, lawn darts, paintball guns, and sling shots.

Comment Re:About right (Score 1) 246

6 months probation is about right for what he did anyway. I can't believe they're clogging prisons with petty criminals like this then turning violent criminals out because of over crowding. A BB gun as a deadly weapon? They're turning the legal system into a farce with that kind of bullshit.

Totally agree. I've seen it first hand. I got a year of prison for stealing a bicycle (while intoxicated). It was a felony because it was inside an open garage, which apparently makes it Breaking and Entering. I know what I did was wrong and I'm embarrassed about having done it. What's more embarrassing is when I tell people about it they don't believe me until I show them the court papers.

Comment Re:America, land of the free... (Score 1) 720

There is virtually no place in the US where someone who is homeless and jobless cannot get enough assistance from city/state/private agency to change their situation.

That may be true now, I have no current experience. 20+ years ago it was definitely NOT true. I suffered greatly being homeless. Hell, I suffered greatly even having a fucking job working 6 days a week being paid $3.35 an hour. Housing was, and is, not cheap. Sharing doesn't do any good if the people you share with refuse to ever pay their fair share.

Fuck it. At that point, crimes of theft are not such a big deal. Everyone needs to eat.

I was in a boat like this, and that's where the prior misdemeanor convictions come from. I was the lead software engineer at a promising startup. I turned to drugs to help me put in the hours. The company eventually tanked, and I was left with a bad habit and no income. I ended up homeless and stealing. I started a blog where I interviewed other homeless people and used the ad revenue to pay for a storage unit to live in.

Comment Re:America, land of the free... (Score 1) 720

This is what actually happened:
I was intoxicated (not that it should matter, but I don't think I'd have done this if I hadn't been). I was about 6 miles from home without a car or a phone and I saw somebody leave their house via their garage. While the door was open I saw some bicycles in there. After they left I went to the side door of the garage, went inside, and stole one of their bikes. I think the neighbor saw me and called the police. I was arrested about 20 minutes later and charged with Burglary (because it was an attached garage), and I accepted a plea deal for Breaking and Entering.

Comment Re:America, land of the free... (Score 1) 720

In Ohio, criminal records can be expunged except for first and second degree felonies or crimes considered violent- after they are settled and punishment and fines have been paid. There is a process that is sort of like asking for parole but ends up in court with a judge making the final decision.

He said he couldn't get the felonies expunged because he is in Ohio. This means it was either violent, or a serious enough felony that it was a first or second degree felony as defined by the state. I concur, it was not a crime he woke up one day not realizing he was committing or thought was a minor misdemeanor and got roped into a felony.

You're partially right. In Ohio you are also barred from expunging your record if you have more than 2 misdemeanors or more than 1 felony and 1 misdemeanor on your record. I have 1 minor felony and about 4 misdemeanors, all stemming from a 2 year long period. None of them were violent crimes, unless you want to count beating the hell out of a road sign with a hammer while I was drunk.

Comment Re:America, land of the free... (Score 1) 720

The thing is, in the good ol' US of A, where less than 10 years ago you could be a felon for owning 6 dildos

Somehow I doubt, the asker was convicted only of violating something as stupid as possession of dildos or innocent as that of marijuana — he would've said so (if any employer even paid attention to it in the first place).

No, he was, by all appearances, genuinely guilty of at least one violent crime — plus some misdemeanors. I'm not saying, he "deserves" never to work in IT at all, but I don't blame the IT-folks — most of whom have not hit anybody in anger since middle school — for not wanting to work (be under the same roof!) with such a guy.

Why would you choose to drag out your anti-Americanism over this, is beyond me...

What I did wasn't violent. While on a bender I stole a bicycle out of somebody's garage. In Ohio that's a 5th degree felony.

Submission + - Ask slashdot: network engineering or software engineering? 1

wiseerect writes: I am currently a jack-of-all-trade (coding, networking, security, you name it) for a mis-sized (100 — 200 employees company). I would like to specialize and go into software engineering, but I am afraid that software engineering jobs will be mostly dominated by workforce located overseas and/or H1-Bs here in states in the next 10 years.

My second option would be network engineering. Network engineering jobs seem to be more "stable" than software development jobs if you have multiple vendor certifications such as CCIE/JNCIE/etc.

So my question is...which profession should I specialize if i want to have a long-term career in I.T. before retirement without having to worry about my job being outsourced and/or replaced with a H1-B worker?

Thank you.

Comment Re:What convictions? (Score 2) 10

You're right, I should clarify. I was convicted of Breaking and Entering in 2010, and between 2008 and 2010 I was convicted of Petty Theft several times. I have no criminal record before or after that two year period. I don't feel like I'm a dishonest person by nature. During those two years I had a bad drug problem which cost me my job and home. I feel like my addiction fueled my dishonest actions.

I've been clean and supporting myself through honest work for a long time now. I can only seem to get low-wage jobs in retail, manufacturing, etc. I have over 10 years experience in IT, and I just can't wrap my head around throwing that away.

Thank you for your reply.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Can a felon work in IT? 10

Lesrahpem writes: I'm a felon with several prior misdemeanor convictions from an immature time in my life. I've since cleaned up my act, and I want to go back into the IT sector. I keep running into potential employers who tell me they'd like to hire me but can't because of my past record (expunging won't work, I'm in Ohio). Does anyone have any suggestions for me? Should I just give up and change careers?

Submission + - GCHQ does not breach human rights, judges rule (

An anonymous reader writes: The current system of UK intelligence collection does not currently breach the European Convention of Human Rights, a panel of judges has ruled.

A case claiming various systems of interception by GCHQ constituted a breach had been brought by Amnesty, Privacy International and others.

It followed revelations by the former US intelligence analyst Edward Snowden about UK and US surveillance practices.

But the judges said questions remained about GCHQ's previous activities.

Some of the organisations who brought the case, including Amnesty UK and Privacy International, say they intend to appeal the decision to the European Court of Human Rights.

Comment Re:The Middle Class is the Bedrock of Society (Score 1) 839

You can call it whatever you want, but the reality is money flows uphill a lot faster than it flows downhill. The end result is that eventually there will be very little money at all flowing downhill. Whatever you'd like to believe, this problem is a direct result of capitalism.

I think Capitalism is an effective way to kickstart a nation's economy. It worked well for the US. The problem is it has an expiration date, as you've pointed out.

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