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Comment their shufle/queue system was the best (Score 1) 76

Winamp's queue management was great. Let's say you're at a party, and the host has the music playing at random on Winamp. A guest could play their song next, jump straight to their song, or politely tell the software to put their song in a queue. The guest's song(s) would play, then Winamp would go back to playing random track from the playlist. Hell, even if you *weren't* at a party, you could tell winamp to play that earworm that had been bugging you, then go back to normal ambient music.

It sounds simple, but none of the other music players of the era could do it. The visualisations were nice too, as others have noted.

If I was still using Windows I'd still be using Winamp.

Comment It would be easier to fake it than do it for real (Score 1) 98

This would be simple to fake for a demonstration. This guy doesn't sound like he's any kind of engineer: "these electric motors apparently have an inbuilt safety system that if it thinks it's overheating, it shuts down."

So you could probably just put a little RF remote in a modified ebike, and even if you opened the bike for inspection during the demo it probably wouldn't be noticed. Or you coud modify an ebike's firmware to accept a remote shutdown, then there would be NO physical evidence of tampering.

OK, let's be really generous. Say that some ebikes really DO have a temperature sensor that can be spoofed to shut the bike down. Is every sensor going to use identical technology? Hell no. Some will use a thermistor, some will use a semiconductor, some will interpolate the temperature from some other parameter being measured by the controller. No way could you reliably fool ALL of them, especially without causing massive RF interference. I just can't see how such a device would be effective on any more than a handful of ebikes, especially the uncertified far-eastern imports favoured by petty crooks.

Comment Re:I don't know about that (Score 1) 46

follow your interests and you'll find some little forum or similar space that caters to that. I'd just recommend getting off the huge social media sites, or severely limit their use in general.

The problem is that so many of the "little forums" have been abandoned for facebook groups or discord. So now it's not a nice little forum, you have to accept all the social media baggage and get a facebook account in order to participate. The facebook and discord groups are also impossible to to search, so if you're looking for some info that was posted a while ago about an obscure car, or old computer, or how to do an obscure sewing task, you're out of luck.

I like messing about with old Amiga computers. There is certain hardware made recently by the community that sounds really cool, but I simply can't be bothered try and wade through all the bullshit on discord to learn more. I'd go out in the shed and tinker with my old car instead, but that forum has died and migrated to facebook. This is not necessarily a complaint - it means that I'm far more likely to go out for some exercise instead - merely an observation.

I know that "change" happens, and I accept that. But I don't think "social media" has led to improvement in our online lives, and I don't think it's as easy as it used to be to "follow your interests" online.

Comment Re:Wow. (Score 1) 184

Poop sidewalks are rare, and it's magnified by right wing news commentators to be a major problem.

Why are people so outraged when there's human shit on the sidewalk? Dogs do it all the time, and it's regarded as a minor nuisance, not a cataclysm.

I'm not American but I assume their humans have more rights than their dogs. So why is there a conversation about shooting people for shitting on a sidewalk? Do we shoot dogs for doing it? (Note that I'm not entirely against the latter)

Comment StackOverflow has been going downhill for a while (Score 1) 90

It used to be a place where you could see a question similar to the problem you were trying solve, read a conversation as some people narrowed down the scope of the problem, then proposed a few ways to solve it. Now it all seems to be pedantry and gatekeeping and petty objections that contribute nothing.

From reading the comments here on Slashdot, it sounds like Stackoverflow is archived at I guess I'll just start looking there instead.

Comment Re:This is disgusting (Score 1) 67

Have you seen Sam Altman? He looks like Bryan Kohberger and Dennis Reynold's doppleganger, what do you expect?

I didn't think Sam Altman was a real person. Partly the name, "alt-man" and partly his uncanny-valley face. The dude looks like he was hallucinated by an AI.

Now, I know we shouldn't judge people by their appearances. I am judging him (if he is a real person) by what he does. He does bad things and this iris scanning is one of them.

Comment Re:Irony and the bridge trolls (Score 1) 18

This is what happened in the bad old days when I used to work in tech support. We were ranked based on how quickly we "solved" problems. This created an incentive to say "reset your firewall" then hang up. If the customer didn't give up in disgust, it would also generate more calls for us to "solve."

It was a fucking joke, I once got chewed out by a manager for taking too much time to walk an elderly customer through a procedure step-by-step There were no other calls in the queue, so if I hadn't been actually trying to help the guy, I'd have been sitting on my arse wasting company time. But hey, you gotta have metrics, even stupid counterproductive ones.

Comment Re:And the bit-rot (Score 1) 18

Stack Overflow should provide information and answers for questions and avoid bit-rot / link-rot.

Having been on the vendor deleted the old documentation merry go round a few times, providing a scenario, solution, business reason, technical background and technical explanation with excerpts of vendor docs, links to web sources is needed to provide a long lived answer.

The "look here " solves your problem from 5 years ago which links to void* now does not help.

And all of the "just use library X" 5 years ago, which now, is no longer supported, cannot be downloaded, wont compile does not help.

Damn straight. If Stack Overflow cached linked sites so that future users could still access the answers, that would be great. I wonder if anyone at StackOverflow reads Slashdot?

Comment Re:That wasn't communism, it was fascism (Score 1) 243

It's not worthwhile to talk about communism vs fascism. Because the real issue is authoritarianism. In a country with real elections, you can vote out anybody who causes a famine which gives at least some motivation to avoid them. In authoritarian states, famines can be decided to be worthwhile for some supposedly greater good and well then you starve to death.

Thank you. I've basically given up reading political commentary online because most people rant on and on about "communism" or "fascism" when what they are really talking about is authoritarianism.

Further to that, anyone who is advocating to weaken the democratic process in order to "prevent the rise of fascism/communism" [depending on which -ism they hate in that conversation] then they are not interested in fixing any purported problem, just installing their own flavour of authoritarianism.

Comment Re:The VIC-20 launched it all for me (Score 1) 107

I got a Commodore VIC-20 in High School and learned to program in BASIC. My biggest achievement was a simple Defender-like game where I could actually fly a ship around in front of a moving background and fire a laser...all in under 3.5K of RAM with lots of room to spare.

Any chance you kept a copy? I would totally type that in and run it, just like I used to back in the day. Don't worry, I'll hit somebody else up to print it out on tractor-feed paper for me :-)

Comment Re:Offset? (Score 2) 94

Which is why projects like this are so important. Massive batteries that can be charged from renewable energy when it is available (it will likely be in port overnight when demand is low), and which also help reduce the cost of grid storage and increase demand for renewable energy.

I wonder if there would be a sideline for this ship as an "energy tanker," taking charged batteries from areas with cheap power to areas with expensive power, or offloading these battery containers to islands, mine sites or other areas not connected to the grid?

You can probably see that I have no idea of the extent of the electricity grid in China or its offshore areas. But if there are places nearby that currently run diesel generators 24/7, dropping off a few shipping containers full of charged-up batteries every few weeks might make sense.

Comment Re:More like profit driven benefits (Score 1) 219

Also, can businesses stop with the environmentalist virtue signaling already? With all those stupid marketing campaigns showing how much Apple/Lenovo/Dell care for the planet. If businesses really cared about the environment, they would make their laptops MORE upgradeable, and not less to maximize the useful life of the machine, while minimizing unneeded waste, production and wasting natural resources. Oh, but hey... they are using recycled cardboard now when packaging their laptops... great job.

This kind of greenwashing is terrible. It lulls the consumer into a false sense of security that "something is being done" and therefore they don't need to change any aspect of their lifestyle or purchasing habits.

Comment Re:official syndication (Score 2) 18

I don't mind them posting on social networks, but they should still post on their own web sites too as their #1 sources. This includes non-government companies.

This, a thousand times this. During covid, my local government used to post their press releases to facebook instead of their own website. The videos were publicly accessible without a facebook account, but still, it seemed stupid to use facebook instead of their own infrastructure

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