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Comment The Lament of Smaller and Simpler Systems (Score 1) 335

The thing is, this new operating system will evolve like just about every other "we'll make it smaller and simpler" systems. If they are the next big thing, then sooner or later they'll go down the path of adding everything into their system that they ripped the other guys for having, then act like they invented it.

Comment The Rose Movement (Score 1) 478

I don't think there are too many people who are extremely violent because really orchids are the best kind of flower

You say that, and you know someone is out there building a bomb to rid the world of those fricking orchid bigots.... oh orchids and your superiority complex... you'll get what's coming....LOL.

Comment A Vicious Circle. (Score 1) 1255

Conservatives want to pass their values and culture and mythology on to their kids. But, for many of them, public schools are an obstacle to that. The key problem in the conservative mind with public schools is that the melting pot has given way to a multiculturalism that creates a climate of fear regarding ones own culture - exactly the opposite of what people want.

This isn't just public schools, and it isn't about religion, its everything conservative these days - lower taxes are just a form of saying, "I disagree with the public direction, so I want no public at all." They are allowed to say that, and when the liberals call them selfish for it, the end result will be a hastening to this trend of withdrawal. Why participate in something that is detrimental to you, and you don't believe is good for the public overall?

The ironic thing is that, even though liberals talk up a good game about the commons, you'll find they are withdrawing from the public as well. Of course, its long been known that rich people send their kids to private schools regardless of their political stripes, but you'll see it in their spheres.

Submission + - PETITION: Conservatives and Liberals United Against the War (whitehouse.gov)

tjstork writes: I'm normally a political troll, but in my trolling I've noticed that, despite our vast political differences, there are a great many hard to the right conservatives and libertarians, and hard to the left liberals and greens, that are basically united against the United States picking a war with Syria. So I've created a petition for like minded political foes to come together on one issue and that is, let's not have this war? I'd much rather argue over all the stuff we conservatives and liberals do, in peace, than in war. Please sign.

Comment Re:Software companies can be extremely abusive. (Score 1) 274

Man what FUD. First of all photoshop isn't a browser app, it's 'on your computer'.

It's *hugely* cheaper to do things their new way. Before upgrading the creative suite every year cost between $1300 and $1800, and to boot you didn't get everything.

Now it's (for individuals) $600 a year, and you get literally everything they offer.

It phones home once a month, that's it. Adobe's new pricing and licensing scheme is nothing but cheaper and better for everyone, unless you don't have internet or you're running lots of pirated plugins. (Which is probably the real reason you and many like you are upset.)

And if you think the NSA couldn't access your computer before Adobe, you're just... well..denying reality. Your user ID number would suggest some years on you, but your tone and arguments suggest otherwise. Confusing as shit.

Comment Re:The perfect is the enemy of the good. (Score 4, Informative) 331

We've been doing some augmented reality games at the studio where I work lately. We build what we need in maya/max and move it to Unity for the build. With iOS, it's about a 10 minute ordeal to build and test it and use Testflight to send it around the office very quickly.

It was so easy that we decided to give it a shot for Android, I mean... it's like doubling your market right? Well... no. First most of the droid phones need special drivers, and they aren't easy to find. Then you have to build based on which version of the droidOS you are using, which on some phones is a pain to get because they don't list it outright. (Confusion between firmware vs. os version, etc. Keep in mind we are game devs not programmers.)

Googleusb doesn't always work properly, we spend hours if not days trying to get a build to work properly on various phones. It's a fucking ordeal let me tell you. We dropped Android support for the project and all future projects as a result. Not worth the time and effort until there is a more unifying experience between them. The cost was X to do iphone development, it's X*15 for droid.

Now this is just one very small segment and one that is not like the environments used by the more elite programmers that visit this site. But if a studio of 20 people who already have it working properly in iOS cannot get it working right on Droid, well.... forget droid.

Our version of perfection is "working without days of hassle to get the right drivers, firmware, etc for *each* phone we want to test it on." If that is who you are decrying, well...

As an artist, it DOES have to be perfect. Sorry you feel differently, but that's the reality. It's programmers like yourself who feel that it *doesn't* have to be perfect that make developing for Droid such a giant pain in the ass for us little guys.

I don't love Apple, but fuck if I want to spend any more late nights and weekends trying to get droid phones to work properly.

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