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Comment Re:n00b (Score 1) 303

Or not using nvidia graphics cards or broadcom chipsets. Archlinux handles these nicely, while Ubuntu chunders.

Also the Ubuntu folks are selective about what hardware problems are a priority. That is to be expected from a business. In contrast, Archlinux devs don't really give a lot of crap about your hardware, but there is likely someone who has had the same problem and has provided the fix. This method seems to work long term because Archlinux uses the vanilla builds.

Comment Re:It's very possible (Score 2) 526

Heh... At my office we account for six. Once I demonstrated that I could dual-boot Linux and Android, so that it would be a very useful at the office, and could still be used by the significant other at home... they started breeding, setting up mated pairs(rsync) and otherwise carrying on.

ASUS needs a better marketing platform.

Comment Re:Waning Conscription (Score 1) 525

For me, it worked wonders about the nature of violence and it's uses. When I was young I learned from my peers that violence was a tool to achieve superiority. It should be used with impunity and with as much malice as possible. By the time I had reached middle school I had put two kids in the hospital, luckily I had witnesses that they were the aggressors so I was severely reprimanded and had to attend a "Scared Straight" seminar.

When I started High School everyone gave me wide berth, even though I was the leading player in chess club and Academic team. I was also the lead trombonist for the Jazz band, and first string noseguard (until I kicked the shit out of the coaches son for making fun of my brother).

So, I would have probably ended up in jail getting a degree by correspondence or some such, instead I signed up where my brain and brawn might do some good. I went into the Marines. Early on I found out how close my fights had come to murder charges, or at least manslaughter. Learning about how and when to effectively kill people is a sobering experience. That mellowed me out to the point where I am now a Network Security Lead, and I look like a bouncer... but everyone knows I'm the softest guy around.

Thank $DEITY for the Marines, Semper Fi brothers.

Comment Re:Half to laugh (Score 1) 534

Depends on the family, my great-uncles volunteered. My great grandfather was turned down because he was partially lame for WWI and too old for WWII (meaning they didn't do a physical for WWII, they looked at his age and turned him away).

A great many were voluntold, but that does not lessen their courage in the face of enemy gun fire nor does it lessen their purpose. Some people are conditioned to be helpless and to perceive the world as unchangeable, they are the reason conscription was needed for an easily justified war. Vietnam is a whole different issue... as was the Civil War until Lincoln started recruiting around the slavery issue.

Comment Re:Fuck those greedy bastards. (Score 1) 510

Agreed. In electronics, we go to the manufacturer because the 'local dealer' is a greedy crooked eveil bastard, and at least the manufacturer has a national name to protect, and can spread the cost of 'fixes' around.

With car dealerships... you're basically fucked. Well, you can try to navigate the bureaucracy and get satisfaction, but I've heard it is a beast and doesn't often end well.

Comment Re:Don't squabble with Bob (Score 1) 379

This is why people view IT departments with such disdain. The GP is possibly one of the most destructive, demoralizing and immature ways to handle the issue.

You should be ashamed of yourselves. Learn to be professionals and advocate in a constructive positive manner. People like you are why people like me make so much money... I can propose a solution, advocate gently and nurse it through consensus, all while doing the implementation.

On second thought, I could always use more money, please continue to be assholes

Comment Re:Home porn videos? (Score 2) 332

Huh... That's funny, cuz I was talking to my wife, who is fairly market savvy, what she thought would be a good way to try to leverage my skills into working from home... and she looked at me, smiled and said, "Besides porn?"

Truth is, it is a low overhead system, that if worked correctly can yield a high income without building your network, and doing something that comes naturally.

Comment Re:Arch Linux: what's the differentiating factor? (Score 1) 103

I wish I had modpoints... It seems that the Debian peeps think that I have infinite diskspace, so when I want to install something to test it... It MUST come with 80 bajillion other packages... and deinstalling those may traverse back up the tree and break something that I want. Hence my hate for *untu as well.

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