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Comment Re:Too much. (Score 2) 210

Mary Shelley tried to warn us of this a long time ago.

No, she did not. Also, Nostradamus didn't predict Hitler or the September 11th attacks. As for the ethics of the issue, that's a tough one. I agree with you that there "may" be a black market for this, eventually. This isn't like getting a gunshot wound treated at a back-alley clinic. With proper regulations, it can be controlled in a safe, ethical manner.

Comment Don't have access? (Score 1) 288

"way too many young people, particularly our girls...simply don't have access to the courses at all," What happens after a generation of pushing STEM exclusively to women? Will there be programs for male-only STEM education? I doubt there will be. The access has always been equal. Interest, on the other hand, is not.

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