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Comment Don't poop where you eat... (Score 1) 720

I'm a gamer with a wife and two kids. My wife doesn't game at all. I didn't need to be asked to put the PC elsewhere because I also don't want a loud ass, ugly machine ruining the living room either. So I put together a machine that looked like a piece of A/V equipment, there are lots of great cases now that are unobtrusive, and I purchased components that made low noise the priority. It pulls double duty as a media center and I made sure the cabling ran all within the walls, with as few wires as possible and bound them nicely so as not to attract dust bunnies.

For example this.
And wiring like this.

I'm not sure what there is about being a man that means I have to be gross and loud. It's not like I don't appreciate a clean, aesthetically pleasing place to live as well. Ultimately I ended up moving the machine to another room running the cables through the floor to the basement because I didn't want to see anything at all. That was my choice.

Comment Re:Simple solution: bring cookies. (Score 1) 406

Seriously - bring a package of cookies for the flight crew.

This. My cousin is a flight attendant and said to me if you want to make fast friends just hook your flight attendant up with a little package of M&Ms or something simple like that. It isn't bribery, it's just a kindness, the same I do for my mailman and garbage collector from time to time. The world would be a much better place if we could all just be human to one another once in a while.

Comment Re:Undespecced in every way even at $800 (Score 1) 264

You must be new here, don't be so god damned sensible. My favorite part is how we generalize what is good enough for everyone. I have a 64GB iPhone and I don't need the space, I just don't want to think about it. I shoot a lot of video and while I have a $4000 camera I often shoot B roll on my phone because I want to. And since no one bought my phone for me I'm confused why anyone would care what I do with it.

Take heed everyone and be thankful we are blessed to be a in a place and time where not only do these things exist but that many of us on this forum can afford them. It is an embarrassment of riches.

Comment Re:Not really (Score 1) 228

That is fine and dandy for in person B&M transactions but the vast majority of my purchases are online. I think your ringing those death bells a little too early on that industry. It won't look the same in 10 years but the phone isn't the answer for everything. Frankly good riddance. The less crap I have to carry on me the better.

Comment Microsoft has several new programs coming up (Score 1) 121

I think the idea is they will be exclusive to the xbox marketplace/video service thing they have. One of the programs is the documentary on unearthing the Atari E.T. cartridges.

"The first round of Xbox Originals will contain a healthy variety of shows, from the futuristic teen drama about robots "Humans," to the steampunk Western "Deadlands" (based on the tabletop role-playing game of the same name), to the street soccer documentary "Every Street United." Other programs included "Winterworld," "Gun Machine," "Extraordinary Believers" and "Food Show."

Comment Re:Lies (Score 1) 544

The process of dubbing in audio, which we know happens frequently, is the problem. It's always a lie.

Audio/Video editor speaking here. Lies, I believe, have to be conscious. Tweaks often happen in post production because there is an issue with the original footage such that the original audio track has to be recreated. This is frequently done in film and is called "looping." On set you record pre and post roll audio to capture the room noise just so you can match this looped audio with the original environment. This is just one example.

I can easily see the editor in his booth working with the assets he was given thinking that the audio from live shot lacked engine noise for whatever reason. Unfamiliar with the Tesla, he didn't realize an electric only makes road noise. Just ask yourself this, what is the advantage of adding engine noise? I know the editor thought it would make the footage more dynamic and LIKELY thought there was a problem with the sound track. There is no great conspiracy here.

Comment Re:Fight now and fight hard! (Score 2) 317

The issue is that your choice is not in isolation. I'd love for you to have the choice to wear a helmet or not but the reality is post-accident resources will be on your survival and additional insurance liabilities related to your death. That is a cost the rest of us have to bear. Obviously this is not unique to helmets, we see this same conversation in the healthcare space with regards to smoking and obesity as well. The question being "why should society cover the added costs of high risk individuals?" I fall on the side of individual choice but to assume your actions (and mine as well) don't have an impact on everyone else is ignorant at best. I believe the statistics have spoken and you are at greater risk of injury without a helmet though I don't have a citation to back that up.

Comment Re:Good advertising? (Score 1) 324

Troll seems a little harsh for this comment. I am a die hard Amazon Prime user but you will find that the identical item that ships without prime is often $3-4 cheaper before shipping and about the same with. The difference though is that Prime is 2 day and the alternative is UPS ground or worse. So no, it isn't free, it is premium shipping discounted but that hardly reads as well on the advert. It also doesn't scale with size. All Prime items ship at a flat rate where UPS ground has variables like weight, size and distance.

The discover card comment is a bit troll-ish but it is probably the least used of the 4 big names out there. However, because I am a cheapskate I know that people on deal websites love discover for the 5% cash back which I think is the best in the industry. Also Costco used to only accept Discover (now AMEX). I'm no shill, i don't even have a discover card.

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