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Comment Re:I Gave Up On Charities (Score 1) 360

Sounds like they are firmly stuck in the Microsoft swamp or they're going to sell the computers through their second hand stores. The demand for the original disks is probably something their lawyers have demanded to keep their asses covered in case of malware infections. They're trying to provide as little support as possible by not installing Linux on them. "Here are the original disks, use them and don't bother us when it doesn't work."

Comment Re:Linux vs XP (Score 1) 360

The last one was last supported on XP. The new one was last supported on Vista and won't work on Windows 7! The absolutely hilarious part about both of these is that both scanners use the same protocol that virtually all HP scanners use, and they won't work with newer versions of Windows simply because the driver SAYS they won't; they would probably work FINE if the driver didn't simply refuse to communicate with them.

Planned obsolence. Just a more obvious variant, since they didn't bother to block them from working when using them with other OS:es.

Comment Re:err... (Score 1) 693

Calm down, all information/search providers does it. Maps have intentionally misplaced or nonexistant roads. Phone books with bogus entries.


They're called markers. If a competitor copies your data, he's copying the errors too. And data full of copy protection markers is easy to prove in front of a judge. Eniro, the largest yellow papers here in Sweden, slammed Gulan thanks to those markers.

Comment Re:Especially since NASA... (Score 1) 200

Saw a documentay, about an engineer, that went thru the documents about the Challenger disaster. He pointed out a video that the Rogers Comission had overlooked, showing the leaking coming out in puffs i.e. the booster sections were rocking. This was caused by wind shear. Extreme wind shear were mentioned in the report, but they didnt investigate it further.

The shuttle would be able to launch in temperatures lower than 53 F, but only if the weather were calm. NASA had one or two launches where they noticed that the seals failed in similar temperature conditions, but the slag (aluminium oxide) build up caulked the seals shut.

Comment Re:You what? (Score 1) 382

Logitech BT adapter?

if so, the BT adapter emulates HID devices during boot and Ubuntu set the dongle to behave like a BT stack (HCI-mode) without keeping the keyboard and mouse connected. It reconnects the devices after the login... And it does a lousy job keeping the devices connected. The mouse usually lose connection after it has gone to sleep and you have to remove it manually and pair it again. You can keep the dongle in HID-mode by commenting out a couple of lines in /lib/udev/rules.d/70-hid2hci.rules

The Logitech section should look like this:

# Logitech devices
#KERNEL=="hiddev*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="046d", ATTRS{idProduct}=="c70[345abce]|c71[34bc]", \
# RUN+="hid2hci --method=logitech-hid --devpath=%p"

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