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Comment Re:Proper Planning (Score 3, Insightful) 414

If a dept feels they're understaffed, they must first evaluate the workload and determine if the implementation is unnecessarily causing extra work . Then correct the root issues (possibly hiring contractors for the interim) and reevaluate.

unfortunately the core problem is the fucking stupid users, no way to smat them up, nor to sack them...

the second problem is the presence of more than 100 different programs, about 2 to 15 are to install in every single station in seemly random assortment that vary wildly depending on the single user...
no way to solve that either.

the third is a continuous spawning of new programs or functionality to implement the week before, so that you hastily put something up, than have to spend 5 time that time to correct, expand, modify, document ecc...
all between a problem and an emergency

without those 3 problem there would be less than 1/5 of the problem... end personal needed.

now there is 4.5 tecnician, and 2.5 administrative to manage about 50-60 servers (half linux half win) and about 500 users on windows pc

Comment Re:Enlighten about technology? (Score 1) 194

Are the Italians that desperate to stop the video of Berlusconi being thumped being available around the world? :)

unfortunately we (the reasonably well informed citizen) certainly doesn't need another video on berlusconi...

it's the 70-90% of the population that live completely oblivious of the truckload of crime, corruption and assault to the constitution that the berlusconi's government represent.
and that's because they are completely nubed by the tv and various papers submitted to berlusconi control...

Comment Re:Well that's easy... (Score 5, Insightful) 427

I understand profit, that's why we're in business, to make money. But charging more for something just because the consumer is willing to pay more for it... I guess that crosses the ethical line for me.

That's not supply and demand, it's not because it's any better than the other, it's not because its more expensive to make. You're just doing it because you can, and I call that greed.

that's where the theory of capitalism fail, if every laptop owner know that it has been ripped of money for nothing in return
than, maybe, market would work (and low the price),

but the main component that influence the market today are publicity and obfuscation of real characteristics and flaws of product

not informed comparison of products, where intelligent and informed people could decide if they want more reliable, more durable or cheaper product of a certain kind and, buying it, influence the market production.

Comment Re:It's not business (Score 1) 463

Time, time, time, and time again, history has shown that you can run a business that people like and make money, or you can be a greedy monster and make money. It works for some time, but will those businesses be around in 100 years?

true, but unfortunately the business is ruled not by the desire to still be there the next century, but to show a profit the next quarter...

and if some branch of the multinational screw up greatly and die in few years... that bother only the employee not the top manager that go to manage some other establishment!

the analogy of the good king and bad king had much to it, the good king typically is also relatively good father that want to leave a good reign to his children, the bad one typically (not necessarily so but usually) is a person lusting for power, now and for himself the remote future doesn't matter.

so now we really need a good king of earth to care for the whole planet, ecologically and economically :)

Comment Re:Interesting from an evolution POV (Score 1) 161

the major problem in your sentences is the word "chose",

evolution is a result of a lot of different events and none of them is sentient nor is the total of them,

so "choosing" an non redundant path isn't something that a "sentient" evolution logically do, it's simply a frequent occurrence because more simple solution to a problem tend to have easier time survive and reproduce.

Comment Re:Confusing Comparison: RTS vs RPG (Score 1) 737

not counting on the fact that the location were my 15 friend and i gater to play at CoD4 doesn't have any adsl

but it's the only location were we could gather to play because none of our homes had enough space and none had the capability to support the energy drain of 16 modern pc!!!

and hardly 1/2 of us will play from our homes because it's a pleasant occasion to gather, and insults via Voip aren't so much satisfactory! :)

so no lan -> no gathering -> no playing -> no buying

The Military

Submission + - Nazi Stealth Bomber Built and Tested (foxnews.com)

Spy Handler writes: "The Horton 229 Flying Wing, one of the more famous "Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe" produced in the latter days of WWII, is noted for its striking similarity to the modern B-2 Stealth Bomber. The question remained, "How effective would it have been against Allied air defenses of the day?". Unfortunately no surviving example existed for testing... until now. Northrop Grumman, on its own time and money, built a replica using the original blueprints and conducted radar tests. The result? Very good for the Nazis, bad for Allied defenses trying to detect it.

National Geographic Channel will be airing a new documentary about this on Sunday July 5th. (Although Nat Geo calls it "Hitler's Stealth Fighter", the size and shape of the aircraft dictates that it wouldn't have been used for anything other than dropping bombs)"


Submission + - "The Mind Has No Firewall" - psychotronic 2

schnucki writes: The following article is from the US military publication Parameters, subtitled "US Army War College Quarterly." It describes itself as "The United States Army's Senior Professional Journal." [Click here to read a crucial excerpt.]

"The Mind Has No Firewall" by Timothy L. Thomas. Parameters, Spring 1998, pp. 84-92.

The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, and peripheral nervous system, the signals sent from the cortex region of the brain to other parts of our body, the tiny hair cells in the inner ear that process auditory signals, and the light-sensitive retina and cornea of the eye that process visual activity.[2] We are on the threshold of an era in which these data processors of the human body may be manipulated or debilitated. Examples of unplanned attacks on the body's data-processing capability are well-documented.

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