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Comment Re:What are the practical results of this? (Score 4, Insightful) 430

There is only so much space on the utility polls and under the streets. The number of companies who are allowed to run network cable has to be limited. It's the same with electric, gas, and phone line. I don't see why people don't understand this. It's government enforced monopoly because it's the only practical way to do it.

With common carrier regulation the companies that have the right to use PUBLIC lands for profit must lease their lines to other companies at a fair market value.

The real solution to all of this is the government should build the infrastructure using tax dollars and then lease it to private companies. If I was Bush/Obama in 2008 during the economic crisis I would have used the bail out money to build a nationwide Internet service. Would have hired a lot of people for quite a few years and we'd be better off as a nation for it.

Comment Re:Bitcoin still seems sleazy to me (Score 1) 161

Large corporations are risk adverse. They aren't going to hold onto BTC for the reason you said. It's a different story for individuals and small business owners.

I would personally take BTC for my services (software development), and I'm not alone.

BTC started as a grassroots concept, and will continue to grow that way. No matter what happens to the exchanges.

Comment Re:Wonder if the OTG port can be used as a periphe (Score 1) 140

I can think have 5 ways you could have accomplished the goal of network configuration without a keyboard and mouse off the top of my head.

1. The Pi A's USB port can be configured for slave mode. The B doesn't support this but not sure if you needed a B.
2. You can fake a USB device over the GPIO ports on both the A and B through various bitbang techniques.
3. You can use the UART pins and a USB to UART chip which wouldn't be a very expensive add on.
4. Add a DHCP server to the Pi, so when connected directly to a PC with ethernet, the PC gets an IP from the Pi. Your PC program can then connect to the Pi for final network config.
5. Add a cheap two line LCD and some push buttons to your device. Create a simple text driven menu for configuring the network through that.

Comment Re:First (Score 4, Interesting) 446

This is the reason I prefer Android devices. You can install a firmware that is compiled from the open source you trust. There is still the possibility of hardware level backdoors, but there are a 100 different manufactures of Android devices, many of them have little to no presence in the USA. Google doesn't have to be involved with your device at all.

Versus Apple, Microsoft, etc who are easy targets for US courts orders.

Comment Re:I don't understand this ... (Score 2) 184

My understanding is the relative velocities between macro sized objects in the universe are rather small. Small enough where relativistic effects are minute. The article mentions 3% the speed of light being the high end. You would be hard pressed to find anything larger then a particle moving 99% the speed of light relative to our sun. Even these hyper-velocity stars are only 33-50% the speed of light.

Comment Re:After whast happened to Odroid-w, why? (Score 2) 81

We want tools of computing to be as useful and flexible and free (in design) as cement, steel girders, wrenches and sockets, pencils and paper.

While the general concepts of those tools are free and open, there are patents on specific implementations of all of them. People are always inventing better wrenches. If you made a copy of Craftman's new wrench of the week and started selling them, I'm sure you'd be hearing from their lawyers.

We live in a world, wrong or right, were people innovate for profit, not the betterment of society. I don't see why people feel computing devices should be any different.

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