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Comment Re: I can't figure it out! (Score 1) 188

To be fair, there isn't any reason both lights can't be green at the same time. I wouldn't recommend it, but there's nothing stopping it from happening.

In heavy traffic (rush hours in large urban areas), there are going to be problems with cars not making it through the second set of lights and backing up enough to block opposing vehicles from going through the LR interchange.

Comment Cars don't hit people, drivers hit people (Score 1) 287

I'm not 100% on the EV bandwagon but let's place the blame here where it belongs. As the article mentioned, it's not strictly the EVs that are hitting pedestrians, in most cases it's a combination of inattentive drivers AND pedestrians. I don't know how widespread or normal this is, but I consistently see people walking into the middle of the road, barely glancing up at traffic.

Comment Why even have a jury trial? (Score 2) 16

I never really understood how a judge can set a side a jury verdict. If they can do that, what's the point of having a jury trial in the first place? If there was a problem with the jury verdict due to some misunderstanding or jury instruction, then declare a mistrial and make the litigants retry the case.

Comment Does not compute... (Score 1) 90

Unless Stack Overflow is getting paid by OpenAI (which I doubt) or they are able to somehow write this off (which I wouldn't put anything past a motivated accountant) then how exactly is Stack Overflow profiting from this? While nowhere near as bad as some sites, they still seem to be Ad driven, so again, where is that revenue if access is purely by API?

Comment Re:Not a Netflix issue - A banking issue (Score 1) 89

He cancelled the card an got a new one and kindly the bank gave Uber the new card number and the charges started again.

This was my first thought as well, what's even the point of cancelling your credit card due to fraudulent charges if the bank is just going to give the vendor your new card details. I'm not sure how this works because don't you still have to enter your CVV at some point when you update your card information. The fact that this isn't opt-in and turned off by default is just mind boggling and just begging for some kind of class action lawsuit.

Comment Re: Kindle Fire is cheaper (Score 2) 47

There are people who genuinely like the months long battery life of eink readers. But, this strongly reads like a slashvertisement.

I still have a couple of e-readers, and I usually take one with me when I go on vacation because it's much easier to read sitting out in the sun and I can read all afternoon without having to worry about the battery life.

Comment Re:Woohoo! I've aged out. (Score 1) 41

[MOST] PS4 titles play on PS5 just fine, and in many cases the game is upgraded. A good example is The Last of Us Part 2 for PS4 which downloads a huge update to take advantage of the PS5 (better graphics, UHD, less "pop-in" of scenery, etc.).

Fixed that for you. There are still many PS4 games that are pretty choppy on PS5 because they aren't optimized for PS5 and are locked into a lower frame rate. A good example is The Division.

Comment Re:oh noes (Score 1) 116

If you have a patent or copyright, you have a monopoly.

They don't go after monopolies, they go after monopolies that abuse their position.

Apple (and many others) spends a considerable amount of money paying our license fees for technology that they don't hold patents for. Most of these have to deal with wireless communications.

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