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Comment Any Platform? (Score 1) 370

Would this attack style apply to any Firefox platform - Linux, Mac, Windows? As I understand it, FF plugins are mostly written in Javascript. Even on more secure platforms like Mac and Linux, each user has access to his own FF plugins directory, so if any malicious code were to be executed as him, it could presumably write this "plugin" into that user's FF settings directory.


Robots Debut In Japanese Theater Production 75

An anonymous reader writes "BBC News and CNET Cutting Edge are reporting on a new play starring at Osaka University, in which two Mitsubishi Wakamaru robots interact with human actors and move around the stage. Named 'Hataraku Watashi' ('I, Worker'), the play is authored by Oriza Hirata, a renowned playwright. It focuses on a robot who complains about his boring and demeaning jobs."

(Useful) Stupid Unix Tricks? 2362

So the other day I messaged another admin from the console using the regular old 'write' command (as I've been doing for over 10 years). To my surprise he didn't know how to respond back to me (he had to call me on the phone) and had never even known you could do that. That got me thinking that there's probably lots of things like that, and likely things I've never heard of. What sorts of things do you take for granted as a natural part of Unix that other people are surprised at?

The Internet

Reviewing the Presidential Campaign Websites 290

Behind the link are my first impressions of the Internet presences of the top US presidential candidates for each party. Any website design pros care to chime in?

Submission + - Lakes found under Antarctic ice using space lasers

Reverse Gear writes: "There is a new study circling the media about these newly found big lakes found underneath the antarctic ice sheets that apparently empty and fills back up quite fast (study has been working in 3 years and has detected massive movements), from the article:

The scientists allay fears that global warming has created these pockets of water. They say these lakes lie some 2,300 feet below compressed snow and ice, too deep for environmental temperature to reach. However, it is necessary to understand what causes the phenomenon as it can facilitate an understanding of the impact of climate change on the ice sheet in Antarctica
NASA also has some information on the technique used to detect these lakes"
The Almighty Buck

Submission + - RIAA hires DJ's, then sends in the SWAT team

cancan writes: "The NY times is carrying an article about how the RIAA is hiring hip hop artists to make mix tapes, and then helping the police raid their studios. In the case of DJ Drama and DJ Don Cannon (myspace warning), they were raided by SWAT teams with their guns drawn. The local police chief said later that they were "prepared for the worst." Men in RIAA jackets helped cart away "evidence"."

Submission + - Microsoft claims IBM is blocking OOXML

walterbyrd writes: ""Microsoft is accusing rival IBM of orchestrating a campaign to block efforts to standardize Office document formats." Of course, when Microsoft says "standardize" they mean Microsoft standards. Funny thing is: why blame IBM for ODF? I thought Sun had more to do with ODF than IBM. Seems like Microsoft is forever immating Apple, and paranoid of IBM."
The Courts

Submission + - Judge Dismisses Suit Against MySpace

zoltamatron writes: The Texas lawsuit filed by four families against MySpace was dismissed today. The families alleged that MySpace was at fault for their daughters being sexually assaulted by men they had met online. U.S. district judge Sam Sparks wrote in his decision, "If anyone had a duty to protect Julie Doe, it was her parents, not MySpace,"

Submission + - Employer Ratings for Coders, by Coders

witten writes: "Coderific is new site for software developers where you can actually write reviews of your employers. The scores for the reviews are totaled up, and lists are generated for the best employers and the worst employers. Additionally you can look up employers based on geographical area, so the next time you're moving to a new area you can find out about the best companies to work for. There currently aren't very many entries on certain employers, but some do have enough reviews to give you a good idea of problems to look for."

Submission + - MS PlayReady: brand new DRM for mobile devices

linumax writes: "Microsoft have announced that they've been working on yet another Digital Rights Management (DRM) system. PlayReady is a new 'multimedia content access technology optimised to meet the needs of mobile operators and handset manufacturers for digital entertainment and commerce.' In other words, plenty of lovely restrictions put in place to stop us evil consumers doing what we want with content downloaded to our mobile devices. Just like on a PC. The official press release is available here."

Submission + - Kansas abandons "intelligent design" in s

joe90 writes: Kansas has repealed public school science guidelines questioning the theory of evolution that brought the state international ridicule, but educators aren't sure how long it will be before the decision is overturned. The State Board of Education approved new, evolution-friendly science standards with a 6-4 vote Tuesday, replacing ones that questioned the theory and had the support of "intelligent design" advocates.

Submission + - Mexico = #1 in movie piracy, not China or Russia

soulxtc writes: "In a new report just released by the International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPI), the estimated trade losses due to piracy reveal some interesting results that seem to be startlingly absent from all the current discussions about the levels piracy and copyright infringement in the world. China and Russia are the two countries that are frequently cited as the world's "piracy powerhouse" over the rampant pirating of movies and music that occur in their countries, with Hollywood recently even going so far as to place Canada at number 3 on its "Most Wanted List" with its alleged camcording "leniency." But, is this really the case? The report finds that Mexico is responsible for almost TWICE the amount of lost revenue from movie piracy that China is ($484 million USD versus $244 million USD), and yet barely a word of this is mentioned in the media or even uttered from the lips of the WTO or any of the intellectual property enforcement organizations."

Submission + - Forecasting Keywords via Microsoft Prototype App

digitalsanctum writes: "Although it may come to a shock to some of you, Microsoft has actually put together a cool web application called Keyword Forecast. Using it you can compare up to four keywords and it will spit out some pretty graphs forecasting the impression count vs. time, keyword age distribution, and keyword gender distribution. Do you think a tool like this can or will be accurate?"

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