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Comment Re:Will in US be affected (Score 1) 224

It's not at all clear that this is want Google plan to do. The BBC are reporting that will not be affected. Whether the Google Spain ruling actually says what you say it does is not clear. The judgment says (at para 88) " the operator of a search engine is obliged to remove from the list of results displayed...". There's nothing in the decision that specifically addresses deleting copies of data.

Comment All google needs are ads (Score 1) 84

You ask "what exactly does google sell apart from ads". This misses the point. Google makes loads of money from ads. Everything else is really there to make sure that nothing interferes with that. Android? Google doesn't care about 'phones per se... what they care about is loads of Iphones that don't have google as the default search provider. Chrome? same thing, get a decent market share of the web browser market and you're protected against directing traffic away from google one way or the other... and so it goes.

Comment Why put the panels on he car port? (Score 1) 165

If you're going to install solar panels then putting them on a car port is often not going to be the smart thing to do. You want to pick the place with the best exposure to the sun, which will often be the house roof. And you don't want to use the power generated just to charge up the car - if you've got the panels you might as well feed the power into the house for general domestic use. There is some additional overhead in sorting that out - buying an inverter and doing the wiring - worth it in the long run if you're buying and installing the panels anyway.

Comment ... or just don't take notes in class (Score 2) 191

I tend not to take notes at all during class/lectures. The material is not unique - there are plenty of other sources for that information. The point about attending is to have someone explain stuff to you in a way that makes it easy to comprehend. The best way to make use of that exposition is to pay attention and make sure you understand what's being said, asking questions if necessary.

Make notes later.

Contemporaneous note taking is for situations where the information that is is only available from that source and needs to be accurately recorded. Examples include doing an experiment where you need at accurate record of what was done, or taking a statement from a witness.

Comment Re:Illegal in some countries (Score 2) 180

At least the UK has enacted the Human Rights Act 1998, which gives protection where rights afforded by the European Convention on Human Rights are violated by the state.

Whilst I'm sure bad stuff happens in the UK, it does provide a framework that prevents overt abuses such as Guantanamo Bay...

Comment Re:And again: (Score 1) 88

The thing about "cannot sue" clauses in contracts is not really quite accurate. It's not that uncommon for commercial contracts to contain an arbitration clause. I.e. a clause that the parties agree to resolve disputes about the contract via arbitration rather than through the courts. If there is such a clause then in many countries the courts will decline jurisdiction to try the case if one of the parties asks them to. That's fair enough really - they've contracted to resolve the dispute that way at the outset.

Of course this particular case is a bit different, because it's not really a case of both parties agreeing to submit to arbitration at the outset.

Comment Re:Frist pots (Score 2) 341

The retirement age only affects when you can get the state pension. If you're expecting the state pension to make a significant difference to your standard of living in retirement then you're pretty much doomed anyhow.

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