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Comment Re:At what point do we stop playing? (Score 1) 139

The beauty of the Internet is that you can do your part all by yourself, without waiting for anyone else to get their shit together first. You don't need to start a movement, you don't need to tear anything down or build some international organization to oversee everything. Just do what you said -- stop using Google, stop trusting root CAs, roll your own encryption, use VPNs, etc.

If other people want to continue using commercial / government crap, well, that's their prerogative. If it's as bad as you say then they'll eventually see the light and the Internet will be a better place for them too.

Comment Re:Such potential (Score 1) 520

I would like to propose a moratorium on comments of the form, "I manage a team and would never hire you." They add nothing to the discussion and only lead to useless dick waving competitions. ("Oh yeah? Well, I'm president of a Fortune 137 company and *I* wouldn't hire *you*!" "Oh yeah? I'd never accept an offer from your crappy company and you couldn't afford me anyway! Neener neener!" "Oh yeah? [etc]")

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