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Comment Bandwidth (Score 2) 218

These days all high performance computing is limited by just one thing: ram bandwidth. And with the tradition to AI on gpu this issue got worse. Apple is the only company that is making integrated gpu/cpu memory that is also high bandwidth. Not like the bad old days where integrated memory just meant cheapo motherboard without dedicated video memory.

Memory is in fact moving into the system chip for even better bandwidth so of course it has to be soldered! That's not even the right terminology.

The real question is do you want additional off chip memory or not? The off chip memory will be slower just as register and global
Memory must be used carefully on gpu to get performance the answer is that yes you could perhaps make use of the off chip slower ram or even slower sodimm ram. But at some point maybe the place to put that is instead on the solid state drive. Integrate the ram as a cache for the ssd. It's already doing that but make it even bigger. Then you can make it persistent as well.

Apple as usual is way ahead in adopting the future before the software exploiting it arrives .

Comment So few parameters !! (Score 1) 16

It's amazing these things memorize some text and some image motifs and can read English with semantic prediction, obey even structures for executable code creation, and emit coherent English in topic with so few parameters.
You could not code most of those and even apply the most advanced compression and have the result fit in a dvd. And yet there you are managing it.

This is very hard to explain or imagine. What am I missing???

Comment Analogy to Aaron Schwartz (Score 1) 157

Aaron Schwartz scraped research pubs and made them available. Even though he might have scraped these in a way the api allowed he still was violating the DMCA. These AI scraping jobs are the same. The idea that they should be forced to destroy every instance they fed this poison fruit too makes perfect sense. It's a shame too. Loss of all that public good. But it's the correct response.

The difference from Aaron Schwartz is that these deep pocket companies do have another option. Pay a very large amount of money to make their crime go away.

The fact that it's a windfall for them by times is birth debatable and of no consequence. It's debatable because these AI are competing with the my times in many ways now and more so in the future. So getting a large payout now is just tapping the lost future value to The NY Times .

I hate to see the ai torn advancing companies torn down thus way but I don't see anything unseemly about this. The NY Times is is not a charity.

There's no analogy to a patent troll here as things of real value were stolen

Comment It's how humans do it! (Score 1) 43

Humans have split the brain in varied ways. We have a subconscious and a conscious. We has an autonomic system and supervisory system. And we have the emotional and rational system. Each of those pairs can override or partly countermand the other.

Grab a hot antique tea cup and when you burn yourself one part of the system says let go and the other says "it's expensive don't drop it".

Comment Don't be (merely) evil (Score 1) 49

Oh Google. It was impressive as hell even without the fakery. Why soil your reputation that way?

I think what has happened is the bussiness majors and kinds of scientists who'd rather publish fake results than modest good results have taken over from the founders.

Comment Re: Data batteries are 100% efficient (Score 3, Interesting) 168

and with the heat from the servers concentrated conveniently you could consider what to recycle the heat for.

Examples might be chemical processes that need heat like desalination or conversion of methane to Syngas or making concrete or greenhouses and shrimp farms.

Comment Data batteries are 100% efficient (Score 3, Insightful) 168

There's lots to this if the other practical of this don't sink it.

Lots of times, say at night, the wind blows but there's no demand for the electricity. You could store it in batteries but then you pay an efficiency cost of conversion into and out of the battery. If the battery isn't local to windmill or eventual use point you pay the transmission line cost. And the batteries have to be large ( expensive).

The servers convert the surplus electricity to useful products directly with no inherent inefficiency over any other server doing the job that is powered off the grid. So in that sense it's perfectly efficient. The data product is inexpensive to transport over Internet.

At times when the windmil is not producing power at all the data center could in principle be powered by sending power in the opposite direction back to the windmill site from the grid. You'd need a transformer there I suppose but not a new set of transmission lines. So lower maintainence and fixed costs for the power distribution system to the data center

But you do need a data product whose production can shut down when the windmill is producing power for the grid at max capacity. That's easily conceivable as computers can also be gridded around the world and their computations moved from center to center ( eg night on other side of planet ). Or you pick a data commodity that can be episodically produced. I shudder to mention Bitcoin but at least for the time being that's actually practical --- module your feelings about whether bitcoins wasteful work model makes sense. Another one would be high compute loads for jobs like designing proteins, scheduling airlines, training AI models, massive fluid dynamic simulations , weather modeling, etc.... and all sorts of scavenger computing jobs.

A bonus for this model is that you could build out wind power stations in advance of power demands ( like before you decommission your coal and nuke plants ) and have a use for them . If you built out enough excess capacity then you also solve one of the reasons we have these traditional plants -- the need to have enough power when winds are insufficient. With enough excess capacity and well geographically distributed then wind fluctuations won't ever need much base load backup power from coal

Comment Which is castor and which is pollux (Score 1) 32

And where's the Golden Fleece?

Should we assume the name implies a bond between the mortal and the immortal . Or is it meant to imply it's the son of Zeus , king of the gods? Unlike the Christian gods. The Greek gods were not overly concern with humanity other than it being their plaything. "I'm gonna dress up as a goose and get me a woman tonight!" Was always good for a laugh on mount Olympus.

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