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Comment Shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic ? (Score 1) 53

I've had a couple of HP laptops and first was decent, the second not so much and the ones I've seen since then were not anything I would buy. Maybe instead of worrying about the NAME, they should focus on MAKING A BETTER PRODUCT ?? I forgot , US management is all about selling cheap shit to US consumers at a HIGH MARKUP and then wondering where all your customers went. Shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic

Comment Re:Yay to the abolition of lithium slavery! (Score 1) 138

According to this page, energy density in Wh/l is 1/2 to 1/6 that of Lithium.

According to Wikipedia, sodium-ion energy density is something like 2/3rds of lithium-ion, so maybe Natron is pushing out a preliminary product that performs sub-optimally in terms of energy density but has enough other advantages to position it for certain real life applications in spite of that. Cost, safety, environment, recharge time...

Comment Re:What if it Freezes? (Score 1) 44

There is one thing which will stop Linux in its tracks. NFS issues. A glitch with NFS, even if a server is mounted with an interruptible hard mount or (ugh) a soft mount can cause a kernel to completely hang and require a hard power cycle.

Two decades ago NFS shared a workqueue with some essential kernel subsystems such as keyboard input and NFS getting stuck could indeed render a machine inoperable. NFS now has its own workqueues and that can't happen. So you are indulging in a bit of twenty years out of date muckraking.

Comment so why ? (Score 1) 107

Macs are severely over priced, compared to similar windows configuration for the same money. On top of that they don't run many games compared to PCs with say an Nvidia 4060-4070 or AMD 7600-7700.. you can spend a bunch more for a video card but both of of those sets will play most everything adequately. Right now if you are using any AI tech it's through a browser powered by the cloud. I don't see that changing. Much of the 'home' pc usage is dying thanks to Phones, IPads .. etc. The one big driver of home PC"s is gaming. Because of Apple's focus on locking people into 'THIER' ecosystem and trying to lock out game developers who refuse to fork over 1/3 of their profits, they are just hurting Mac sales. I don't disagree MacOS is significantly better to me than Windows, given the drawbacks it's not personally worth it

Comment TP was awesome!! Followed by Turbo C (Score 4, Interesting) 26

I had an Apple IIc .. which was a pretty cool little box. Not much bigger than a modern laptop .. a built in Froppy drived. 128k. external 9 inch monochrome monitor. I could throw everything and a 1200b modem into a milk crate and carry it any where. Most of the time nothing used the extra 64K so you could set it up as ram disk and have 2nd virtual floppy that was really fast. ADDITIONALLY you could pop off the keyboard, plug in a z80 with 64k daughter board so it was a pass through connection to it could use the keyboard, floppy etc .. and have a functioning z80. I had Turbo Pascal and Turbo C .. thats how I got through college. When the undergrad PDP-11/70 was WAY over taxed and running so slow you typed a command in and waited 2-3 min, I could just work locally get everything going and at 2am when things quieted down phone in ... to my vt52 terminal emulation and use kermit to transfer my code over .. do a quick compile to make sure there weren't any differences between PDP-11 pascal and turbo, fix if needed and go to bed by 2:30!! Good times. I believe Both Turbo pascal and Turbo C were 39.99 apiece.

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panic: kernel trap (ignored)
