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Comment Re:Of course that Republican bitch... (Score 1, Insightful) 892

doesn't want labor t be able to negotiate higher pay. Their kind hates us and wants us to die. She is so Republican. She thinks we have no rights.

Really? She sounds more like a Democrat to me. I thought the mantra of the Democrat party was equality through mediocrity?

Comment Re:Saudi Arabia, etc. (Score 1) 653

Are you aware the the law prior to the amendments made no mention of gays at all? It was basically, a right to refuse service based on your conscience. You support discrimination of people of conscience apparently. So you supported the nazis and opposed Dietrich Bonhoeffer? He died in prison for refusing to service the nazi agenda to force churches to teach pro-nazi propaganda.

Comment A degree does not guarantee success. (Score 2) 397

A degree will not guarantee success and a school will not inspire creative genius. It is something that one has to develop early in life. Look at all of the geniuses who have transformed our technological world who either never attended university or dropped out of university.

The problem with tech in numerous countries is that you are only hiring someone with a degree. Um, hello. A degree might be a somewhat safe predictor that the individual might have personal drive and ambition but that is about it. It does not predict whether they are creative or inspired but only that they can follow directions and regurgitate you teach them. They can certainly be a cog in the machine but there is no guarantee that they can lead and inspire others.

Companies need to stop relying solely on recruiting agencies and HR department matrices to weed out potential candidates. You should consider experience. Why would a company keep someone around for a long time and put them in areas of great importance and responsibility if they did not have confidence in their abilities?

Comment Re: Another silly decision (Score 1) 480

The big difference between renting and buying is that instead of throwing away money to pay someone else's mortgage, you are building equity in your own property.

Renting is not throwing away money. Where I live (Seattle) rents are easily less than half what your monthly mortgage would be to buy. If I take the extra cash and invest it somewhere else, I'll have more money from my investments than I would have equity from buying. And that's not even accounting for maintenance costs, which are the landlords responsibility when you rent.

Depending on how much property values change and how rent compares with mortgage payments and maintenance, you could just as well say buying is throwing away money.

Renting in most markets is throwing away money. You are forgetting that rents increase not only with inflation but with availability of vacancies. I switched from years of renting to owning last summer and I am paying around the same as I would for rent for the same condo but I am building equity and I live in the 2nd least affordable city on earth. If the price of renting is the same or less than mortgage payments then you are better off owning even if you are single. If you cannot stay in the same job for at least 2 years or same city then there is something seriously wrong with you. You should have at least a 5 year plan.

Comment Re:Another silly decision (Score 1) 480

buying a home. Hasn't made sense since the 1970s. The social contract is broken, you no longer can rely on job security or a decent pension. Yet the banks still expect you to pay them on time. A home is a *liability*, not an investment.

No, rent is a liability with no possible return on what you put in. Renting is for suckers and I wish that I had bought over a decade ago instead of renting all that time. I finally got into the property market and the assessed value of my condo has increased in just 6 months.

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