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Comment Re: What a shame (Score 5, Insightful) 280

A 16-year-old with Asperger syndrome overcomes her social phobias and inspires millions of people, mostly teens and young adults, to put pressure on politicians and other people in power to take action against anthropogenic global warming.

Default reaction: Let's speculate on and attack her mental health, and call her a puppet of the deep state!

Comment Re:and people being wrong (Score 1) 162

They did the same thing with poms, as in prisoners of his or her majesty (you don't write the H but you sound it) become some bullshit about pomegranates.

What's with the anti-science on Slashdot? You do know that there are people who specialize in words and languages? They're called linguists. Some of them do stuff like research etymologies. That's how we know that the Prisoner of Her Majesty's Service explanation is bullshit—sorry—a folk etymology.

Scientific study. The opposite of just believing what your parents told you.

Comment Re:and people being wrong (Score 2) 162

even Bart Simpson knows that "frog" is a derogatory term for a Frenchman.

So your argument for "frog" in "frog dog" being a reference to the French is that you know it, so it must be true? And your proof is that someone else used "frog" to mean "French" in some other context?

Look, I'm not saying it's not true. I'm not saying the other etymology is correct. But your argument isn't solid. Cite your sources, and make sure they're reputable.

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