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Comment Why would any healthy person do this? (Score 1) 644

The poor slobs now have to sell you health care EVEN IF YOU ALREADY HAVE AN EXPENSIVE CONDITION

Now why, why would any more or less healthy person who is not expecting a baby sign up for health care? Pay the small fine, it's cheaper. Pay out-of-pocket for the one or two times you need to see a doctor or get a flu shot this year. It's still cheaper.

And if you find out that you have cancer, a heart condition, or (like myself) a chronic condition like ulcerative colitis which is going to require tens of thousands of dollars' worth of health care every year to manage... well, THEN sign up, and get the Gold option, and laugh at the clueless corporate fucks in the insurance industry who thought that getting into bed with the government and forcing everyone to buy their product, would actually result in moar profit...

Comment Re:Brilliant idea (Score 1) 263

They added a feature. Despite the whiners, it's not taking anything away, and if someone doesn't like it, they don't have to use it.

I would like to see resale (or at least trading) of games, but this isn't a bad feature and certainly has its uses. Going on vacation or something? Let a friend play your stuff. Etc.

Comment Re:Why all the whining in the first place? (Score 1) 566

Actually, no it isn't.. Your assuming CPU instructions always behave the same.

Wow, you're an idiot. Obviously if you're paranoid that somehow not only has the NSA solved the halting problem and included code analysis on the chip that detects if you're checking randomness (and that this would take such a trivial amount of space on the silicon that intel could even manage it), you can always copy the data elsewhere and check it. Unless you believe they've done the same for every chip. Which is no more stupid, because it's that stupid to begin with.

(This applies equally to anything that "detects what you're doing with the random data" (making an SSL connection, generating a key, etc) and weakens it.)

Comment Almost as good as Evil BIt! (Score 5, Insightful) 202

Yes, of course!

This is guaranteed to work almost as good as the Evil Bit, an extra field in IPv4 headers where senders of packets indicate malicious intent, so that people administering firewalls can discard such packets if desired.

(The problem in the first place was that the people wiretapping didn't give a shit about rules, etiquette, and being decent. More rules and etiquette aren't the solution to that problem.)


Comment Re:A better way to phrase it: (Score 1) 88

Don't let perfect become the enemy of good.

How is ignoring the lesser issues in favor of the glaring issues "perfect" over "good"? This is not about twiddling with the colors of the buttons and the size of fonts. Those aren't the big issues, unless you're a bad manager. This is about fixing the critical vulnerabilities and terrible bugs and ignoring the trivial, perfectionist stuff.

Comment Re:Idea (Score 4, Insightful) 481

What you and everyone else is missing (possible Billy G too) is that all of these problems he's trying to address is caused by dictatorships, despots and other forms of corruption and tyranny.

I don't see the GP missing this at all, merely pointing out the less-than-philanthropic side of The Gates Foundation. The GP is saying more that the foundation is a front for Gates' personal profit than actually doing something good.

Your point is more applicable to Gates' statement itself: Google's providing wifi, thus education, and hopefully thus good health, is more useful than second- and third-world countries becoming dependent on first-world drugs. Ideally, information on things like purifying water, health, etc can be provided to establish self-sufficiency. Of course, this may not work out ideally, but it's something more toward the root of the problem than establishing control by drugs.

Comment Re:Idea (Score 4, Insightful) 481

You're overlooking the bigger picture in an attempt to rationalize your portfolio. Your "good investment" makes money when people want the stock, which generally means when the company does well (or just looks good). The company and its board own the majority of those shares. A windfall for you is a massive increase in their net. Anytime you make money from them, they are making tons of money doing probably-bad things and passing those profits on to willing investors. You.

If everyone on the other hand tried to sell the stock, the value would crash and the company would go under because everyone was trying to jump ship and sell to squeeze the last bit of profit out of it. But they don't, because people, yourself included, are completely supporting them doing bad things, because they give you money. Rationalize all you want, but you are a supporter.

Comment Not at all (Score 1) 558

This kind of thing shouldn't be hard at all. You don't need complicated logic puzzles or any such thing. You just need something that's hard for a computer to figure out, but easy for a human.

For instance, render a 3D scene and ask a question about perspective. "What is the person holding in her right hand?" "What is the person looking at?" and similar such questions. Trivial to render. Hard to figure out, because it's far beyond simple image recognition: you have to see and interpret what's going on in the scene. It doesn't have to be confusing or hard at all. (And rendering is super cheap these days.)

Comment Not really (Score 4, Insightful) 147

Definitely funny, but not exactly ... you could have a Zombie Preparedness Plan or Alien Invasion Plan or Ant Uprising Plan ... you might even write it yourself, but that doesn't mean you actually believe it's going to happen. It's just what you'd do if it did happen, quite probably involving a speech where you utter your surprise that it actually happened.

Comment Re:I don't know, has he? (Score 1) 365

RIM, whether they like it or not, is transitioning into a services company.

I wonder if this is the route we will see MS take. As relevant to the story they've already been doing Office as a service (most likely to compete with google), though I don't know how good or useful this is. I'm sure they could be doing this for other businessy/enterprisey products. Mostly they need to figure out they really aren't a leader or top dog, and focus on what they can do well, not try to compete with everything poorly. I doubt without a culture change (starting at the top) this will happen, though. MS has seen everyone as a competitor that needs shut down from day 1, so this would require huge sweeping change.

I fully expect to see BingBook+ before this is all over though, years after even Google stops caring about social networking.

Comment Re:I don't know, has he? (Score 3, Insightful) 365

Disagree. They've been losing relevance for a long time, and we're noticing now that they're struggling to find any relevance. They did have a lot of relevance to lose, as they squandered away what relevance Windows had, trying for markets they were weak in (server) while neglecting markets they were strong in (desktop), all while continuing to be so far behind the curve they just don't get what's going on until it's years too late (mobile).

They might have been a strong player in the game console market, but then they pulled an XBone.

Business is still pretty big, but with Windows losing day-to-day familiarity with users, their last bastion is going to erode quickly as users start asking "why can't we use something else?" I fully expect them to throw billions at trying to find relevance for years to come, though. This all might be foreshadowed by RIM and Blackberry: originally king at business, trying to fit in elsewhere, disrupted by technology they didn't grasp, falling behind, throwing money at trying to stay relevant, while everyone else wants to move on.

Comment Re:MS Suffering from Legacy Effects (Score 2, Interesting) 251

Well hooray for you, but I have to reboot win8 (game machine) constantly. Apparently, it has a well-known bug where it sends a reset command to the hard drive under certain conditions. This can cause the drive to go away until you power-cycle the machine (even the bios doesn't see it). It's not a BSOD: everything just stops working and you lose anything you were doing, because the drive it was running off is now gone. (It also blows away UEFI stuff, but fortunately you can get it booting grub again from the windows side.)

Happens extremely randomly on two entirely different systems with three different drives. Lots of reports. No fix.

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