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Comment Re:interesting (Score 1) 326

I don't want to stop anyone from voting

That's great that you don't want to stop anyone from voting! Oh, wait, and then you list all the reasons you want to stop anyone from voting.

No ID.
Need to be reverent and respectful.
A person must meet your definition of "responsible".
Needs to have an ID that meets some threshold for daily tasks (your undefined threshold).
A person must have "grown the f- up" (another unspecified threshold).

Here's my hot take: That's all taken care of when a person registers to vote. After that all the caveats you list are simply voter suppression.

Comment Re:Twin study chance missed (Score 1) 142

The video implies that they were from separate ova and sperm. So they are fraternal twins, and only share ~50% of their DNA. That far outweighs any genetic difference caused by the gene edit.

On average fraternal twins (or you could think of them just as siblings who aren't temporally separated) share 50% of their DNA. On a case by case basis, it can wildly vary, however. Theoretically it spans from 0% to 100%.

Comment What's the test? (Score 1) 172

I'd say that if humans were seeing 'art' that they knew was created by AI then it would never be judged to be 'true art'. They would talk about how artificial it was or find some other trivial flaw.

On the other hand, if it was a randomized test in which people needed to distinguish between art created by AI and by human artist then I believe it would be more difficult task.

If you can't accurately predict which piece of art is created by AI and which is created by human artist, then it would pass something like an 'Art-Turing test' and could be called 'art'.

After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Comment Re:So sorry you're stuck in traffic... (Score 1) 332

That's exactly what I do too. After switching to commuting by bike (8 miles each way), I can never go back to driving to work. If the weather is especially nasty, I'll take public transportation or telework.

Plus sides include getting my exercise in for the day on my way to/from work, I'm super relaxed and more productive at work, I'm not putting miles on my car...

I suppose I'm lucky to live in the reasonably dense mid-Atlantic with plenty of biking lanes and paths. I grew up in Indianapolis and couldn't imagine trying to commute by bike there. Too much hostility towards bikers.

Comment Personal anecdote here... (Score 1) 177

Spent a large portion of my summer vacation in a cabin in Nova Scotia that had no electricity and no one around for miles. It was the absolute best, most restful sleep that I've ever, ever had. Pitch dark every night.

Now that I think about it again, it's time to look for some good blackout curtains. Any recommendations?

Comment Re:Summary is a ball of confusion (Score 1) 187

Nice try. You were almost there, but you forgot that other people actually have reading comprehension.

The planet's global surface temperature last year was second warmest since 1880, NASA says. NOAA calls it the third warmest year on record, due to slight variation in the ways that they analyze temperatures.

They don't say that 1880 was one of the warmest years. It just since 1880.

Comment Re:Wow, really? (Score 5, Interesting) 409

I didn't bring up political parties, Obama or Trump. My objection to gerrymandering goes beyond my political beliefs.

And just because this stuff has been going on for a long time doesn't make it right. Just because the party that I may support is directly benefitted doesn't make it right.

This idea that the system is broken because it produced a result you don't agree with is even MORE dangerous to democracy than gerrymandering.

The results with which I don't agree is that citizens are effectively disenfranchised regardless of who wins. And when did I ever say that I didn't support the party that directly gained from the redrawn districts?

Comment Wow, really? (Score 5, Interesting) 409

Purposely changing election maps in order to effectively disenfranchise citizens is unconstitutional? You've got to be kidding me.

In all seriousness, I do hope that something like this will be implemented in its stead:

...however, I'm not holding my breath.

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 2) 1014

I stopped in at a White Castle (Oh, I loves it so much) in Columbus, OH about a year ago that was kiosk-only ordering. Man, let me tell you that it was GREAT! You could customize every single burger or item to any degree you wanted with no problem. I couldn't imagine needing to replicate the same order with a person behind a counter. This burger with extra onions and pickles, this burger with bacon, this burger with this cheese and that burger with that cheese. It would be a lot of "hold on sir, what did you say again??".

That's the same reason that I only order Taco Bell through their app. Endless customization and no need to try to communicate those endless customizations to another human being.

Frankly, automation will be eliminating plenty of jobs in the future no matter how much we argue about the merits. Sometimes it will be a better experience for the customer and sometimes it will be a poorer experience. My experience with fast food ordering automation says that it will be a much better experience for the customer.

Comment Re:Psst! Want some gallium? (Score 1) 177

I had the same thing happen to me. Some coworkers and I were sitting around talking about talking about old school cereals. Cream of Wheat, Malt-o-meal and such. Just discussing the shit our parents made us eat. As usual, I had my phone (iphone if that matters) in my pocket.

The next day I checked my fantasy football team (ESPN, which serves ads) on my phone. Can you guess what I saw? It was an add for Cream of Wheat brand cereal! Spooky. I mean, really, I can't believe that brand actually still advertises.

Maybe it's the old man in me, but I really don't like the idea that my phone is probably spying on me and I'm certainly not going to bring other "personal assistants" into my house.

Comment Re:Humans aren't animals? (Score 1) 422

Besides, a stray dog or cat did NOT CHOOSE that lifestyle.

As many as 33% of the homeless have serious mental illness so I'd say that they hardly chose that lifestyle. I'd argue that even more have less "serious" mental illness.

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