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Comment Re:Sweet, can we stop talking about it now? (Score 0) 250

Hate to break it to you, but when it comes to violence and sex in video games, it's the left who does the most bitching. From lieberman and dodd with mortal kombat, through to today's anita sarkeesian and her 'journalist' hipster friends at kotaku, RPS, polygon, ars, etc.

Comment Re:Getting trolled (Score 1) 716

The point is that no one is ever truly 100% safe, and the probability of a troll post being serious is so small it is not worth worrying about. If these sjw types are as skittish as they seem, they shouldn't associate their real names or other identifying information with their activism. If they truly thought they were in danger, their fear would keep them from blabbing about it on social media and hampering the fbi investigation. If it was simple activism, they would've stayed anonymous. No, it is infinitely more likely that this was done deliberately to garner attention to themselves so that they can goad the target subculture into the behavior they claim is pervasive and use whatever negative response they get as 'proof' of the victimhood. Money or sympathy, it's attention whoring at its finest. It netted anita 160k in sympathy money.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 716

No, it's the feminists (and other sjw leftist types) who "make the personal, political." It's part of their SOP. They target communities with sway over the culture as a whole and inject their RNA. If it's accepted, those who give an inch are expected to give a mile. If they don't, they're outcast as bigots and a cultural takeover is attempted (atheism+ comes to mind). If the infection is rejected resoundingly, we get things like gamergate. It's a nice healthy immune response to bullshit. If feminists want their own brand of politics in games, they should make their own instead of being entitled brats demanding that others put that shit into their games. You know why they don't? They know it won't sell well, for the same reasons "Wally Bear and the 'no' gang" didn't sell well. People don't like preachy authoritarian shit in their games unless it comes from antagonist characters they're supposed to battle.

Whatever feminism was in the 60s, it isn't that today. Whatever 'misguided' definition you may think is in play now is the dominant one effecting change. The proof is the laws they push, the 'activism' footage of their behavior on video sites, and the shaming anti-male propaganda they shove through the mainstream media. Feminist claims don't even jive with really basic reality checks. If 1 in 5 women were raped in a given year, even a 12% report rate would have police departments in major cities overloaded with thousands of cases..every day. That's just not the case. College campus in america is probably one of the safest places to be, considering the number of people per unit volume.

The intellectual dishonesty started with the anita types and their incestuous 'journalist' friends at gawker. "Listen and believe (a woman when she says she was $whatever)" does not fly with me, sorry. If someone is assaulted they should call the police, not blab about it on social media to create an attention storm. This applies to both sexes.

Comment Re:You need to die (Score 1) 716

I have a better idea. How about we take both the theists and 'progressive' trash like yourself and put you all on an island with sticks and stones so that you can beat the shit out of each other until it is learned that names don't really hurt after all.

We can put it on hbo.

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