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Comment The watch (Score 5, Informative) 74

Since a lot of your folks are too young to remember...

The watch Jobs is wearing appears to be an LED digital watch. Because LED displays drained the battery a lot quicker than LCD watches (which came later), you had to press a button to see the time. In retrospect, this is kind of a feature, because when the display was off the face was completely dark and mysterious. It was like Darth Vader's watch.

Comment Re:Its funny (Score 2) 214

The Qur'an instructs believers to go to war against Jews and Christians.

The Bible records the history of wars.

There's a difference between recording a violent history, and instructions to commit violent acts.

The Qur'an has no order to love your neighbor, to treat others as one would wish to be treated, or to not resist an evil man. The Qur'an's plan for peace is to obtain it by force.

Comment Re:Stupid reasoning. (Score 1) 1094

It's funny how progressives use percentages when it benefits them. Big Oil has been getting single-digit profit margins for many years, but all the progressives could point out when they wanted to make a money grab was "millions of dollars". Yes, a single-digit percentage of billions in sales is indeed millions.

You really want to hold up Walmart, the leftist's favorite punching bag, as a good example? That's exactly where the ire of the left (mostly for unions, who want in) is focused.

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