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Comment Re:No surprise, as it cannot perform anymore (Score 3, Informative) 127

Wow, way to talk without knowing a thing about it.

AlphaGo managed to beat one of the best player in recent history (Lee Sedol) last year, then went on a 60-0 strike against the highest ranked professionals. Now he won a tournament with the world champion without ever showing a weakness. The experts were pretty much anonymous that he never had a chance at this point.

DeepMind have already published the details of the algorithm in a Nature paper and will do the same with the recent improvements later this year. I guess if you're right nobody will be able to reproduce the results...

Comment Re:$93.8M of my tax dollars (Score 1) 755

The US Military is a resource to be utilized, not fucking sit around on their asses all day, especially considering the cost of doing nothing with it.

Avoiding the use of force is strategically the best goal for a weapon. When you get to use it often, you have to keep a larger stock around hence the ballooning (since the 50s, mind you) costs of the military.

Let me ask you a simple question: what is the role of the US military? Defend the country? Be the world's cop? If it's the former we have way too much capacity (how many carriers you need to defend the coasts?). If it's the latter we need to increase x10 because it's never gonna end, and one start to wonder why we have to foot the bill for a job we haven't voted for.

Thanks goodness he saved money by cutting the budget of EPA and NSF! /s

Spoken like a true civilian.

Right, let's have the army run the country. That has always worked well. /s (- just in case)

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