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Comment Re:Postgresql (Score 1) 116

You know what? These "just use Postgresql" posts in every MySQL-related story are about as interesting as GNAA or goatse. The mere mention of Postgresql is making me sick at this point. Is that the goal here? Are these posts actually part of an anti-Postgresql astroturfing campaign?

Comment Re:100 YSS project is more than just a spaceship (Score 1) 299

They will have to breed, researchers looking into how many people did it take to originally populate north american continent (answer was about 70)

If I remember correctly, there is a Stephen Baxter story about a multi-generation starship in which newer generations come to believe that there is not really dangerous empty space behind the walls, that is just fabricated mythology to keep the rulers in power (or something like that). Perhaps it was "Ark".

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