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Comment Re:fundementally impossible (Score 3, Insightful) 86

The problem is not the six suns but the constraints on the planet and moon:

* that the planet's orbit be stable over thousands of years. Millions or billions, if you want life to evolve.
* that the moon stay invisible at all times -- never be illuminated enough by any sun to be visible.
* that the moon be wide enough in angular size to eclipse one sun for over a day!

If you read this paper, you see they settled on a moon the same mass as Kalgash but with the density of Saturn! How could such a system possibly arise?

Comment Re:When CPU meets RAM. (Score 1) 32

Somewhat similar. Also resembling WISARD, which used RAM like a neural network.

The essential point to think about is that a 1GB RAM can act as a cellular automaton with a billion cells. There's no algorithmic complexity to defeat because there's no algorithm. Of course the harder the problem gets, the more cells you need....

Comment Re:not a fan (Score 1) 514

Hey Pegg, you've got a bit of something brown there on your nose.

I would pay TRIPLE ADMISSION if JJ replaced all the headache-causing lens flare with just 5 minutes of thought-causing idea.

I'm not knocking lens flare because I'm smug. I'm knocking it because it fucking hurts my goddamn eyes and leaves me with a half hour headache after the movie ends. No way am I seeing this in 3D.

While I'm griping ... has JJ Abrams ever done ANYTHING without dragging fucking time travel into it eventually?

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