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Comment Re:Waste of money (Score 1) 341

Thirty greatest mathematicians of all time, in descending order:

Isaac Newton, Archimedes, Carl F. Gauss, Leonhard Euler, Bernhard Riemann, Henri Poincaré, Joseph-Louis Lagrange, Euclid of Alexandria, David Hilbert, Gottfried W. Leibniz, Alexandre Grothendieck, Pierre de Fermat, Évariste Galois, John von Neumann, Niels Abel, Karl W. T. Weierstrass, René Descartes, Brahmagupta, Peter G. L. Dirichlet, Augustin Cauchy, Carl G. J. Jacobi, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Georg Cantor, Hermann K. H. Weyl, Arthur Cayley, Emma Noether, Pythagoras of Samos, Leonardo `Fibonacci', William R. Hamilton, Muhammed al-Khowârizmi.

One woman, and she comes in at number 26.

The list goes on, well past 100, and that's the only woman in the top 100. http://fabpedigree.com/james/mathmen.htm

Comment Re: Waste of money (Score 1) 341

There are 2 factors here that I've come across. One is that times change, and in engineering environments the atmosphere has become more sexually egalitarian over the last 50 years. The other is that it depends on the company you keep. In an all-male engineering department, there's likely to be vocal disparagement of women, but if there's even one woman engineer there (assuming she's not a pathetic whiner) the atmosphere is all respect and work.

Comment Re: Waste of money (Score 1) 341

Depending upon the state and a person's willingness to apply for all government-provided largess, a single mother can get more net money and money-equivalents not working than an honest person grossing $60,000 a year and paying taxes. Of course, illegal aliens with multiple stolen identities do much better than that.

Comment Re:Finally, it's in the private sector... (Score 1) 154

Transmitting specific emotions, not to mention actual control, requires too much accuracy to be effective at a distance. The thing to fear, if fear you must, is that the government will mandate implants that make such control possible. Doubtless many politicians would want such control, and many other people, too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MFlHGP0VAc (Motels, Total Control)

Comment Re:Training... (Score 1) 84

Each antibiotic resistance that a cell strain evolves is likely to include a burden that makes it harder for that strain to compete in the wild.

Develop an antibiotic. It works for a while, then bacteria evolve immunity to it. Stop using that antibiotic for 100 years, the bacteria lose immunity. Start using the antibiotic again

Lather, rinse, repeat.

I hope.

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